- Ming Dynasty' s Mausoleum 明陵
- The pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty is still in good repair. 建於明代的那座塔現在還完好無損。
- The Ding Mausoleum is a tomb of Emperor Wanli( Ming Dynasty) and his two empresses. 定陵是明代萬曆皇帝及其兩皇后的陵墓。
- The Ding Mausoleum is a tomb of Emperor Wanli (Ming Dynasty) and his two empresses. 定陵是明代萬曆皇帝及其兩皇后的陵墓。
- Income and outgo of Ming Dynasty』s officers was severely unbalanced, 3. 2、明代官員的收支嚴重失衡;
- After breakfast, leave for ding mausoleum--one of thirteen mausoleum in ming dynasty that thirteen emperor buried --which located in west north suburb. 早餐后前往遊覽位於西北郊區的明朝十三個皇帝下葬的明代十三陵-定陵,墓內規模。
- The protection and exploition of the site of Zu mausoleum of Ming dynasty is on the basis of the field and archeaology reconnaissance. 明祖陵遺址的保護利用,是在野外勘察與考古勘探的基礎上進行的。
- Ming Dynasty furniture comes in many forms. 明式傢具品種繁多,
- The custom took its rise from Ming dynasty. 這種風俗起源於明代。
- The city of Beijing dates back to the Ming Dynasty. 北京城的建造可追溯到明代。
- Shaped like winding dragon, the Purple Mountain east to Nanjing situates Dr. Sun Yat-sen』s Mausoleum, the world's cultural heritage Ming Tombs, as well as the world-famous Purple Mountain Observatory. 南京城東鐘山蛟若盤龍,祥雲繚繞。在鐘山山脈上,坐落著中國偉大的民主革命先驅孫中山先生的長眠之地中山陵,世界文化遺產明孝陵,以及世界聞名的紫金山天文台。
- First Emperor of the Ming dynasty. 明代第一任皇帝。
- The eastern end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall? 是不是明長城東邊的起點啊?
- It was built in the Ming Dynasty. 它在明朝建造的。
- How many tomb areas does the Ming Dynasty have? 明朝的皇陵共有幾處?
- Yes. It was built in the Ming Dynasty. 韓佳:對啊。它是在明代的時候建造的。
- Now capitation, ming Dynasty price is heavy. 今日人頭稅,明朝物價沉。
- Chinese Jian before Ming dynasty is quite fierce. 明以前的中國劍是相當強悍的。
- Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty. 長城大部分城牆的建造時間要追溯到明朝。
- ZW: It's a Ming dynasty book of folk stories. 朱:這是一個明代話本小說。