- A military command to turn clockwise 180°. 向後轉軍隊中的命令,順時針轉體180°。
- To appoint to a naval or military command. 委派任命司令官或艦長
- He approved himself ripe for the military command. 他顯現得已經可以做司令官了。
- A military command to turn clockwise180=. 向後轉軍隊中的命令,順時針轉體180°
- The military commands have ordered all the soldiers to prepare for the worst. 司令員們命令所有的士兵作好最壞的打算。
- In my view,we simply can't have government organs and military commands that are so swollen and unwieldy. 我認為,把我們地方的領導機關和軍隊的指揮機關搞得這樣龐大、這樣臃腫是不行啊!
- In my view, we simply can't have government organs and military commands that are so swollen and unwieldy. 我認為,把我們地方的領導機關和軍隊的指揮機關搞得這樣龐大、這樣臃腫是不行啊!
- Two military commands participated in the exercise, one in Norfolk of Virginia and the other in San Diego of California. 參加此次演習的軍事總部有兩個,一個在維吉尼亞州的索夫克,另一個在加州聖地牙哥。
- The military commands shall be responsible for military service work within their respective areas as assigned by the Ministry of National Defence. 各軍區按照國防部賦予的任務,負責辦理本區域的兵役工作。
- A medieval officer of high rank, usually serving as military commander in the absence of a monarch. 統帥中世紀時的高級官員,通常在君主不在的時候擔任軍事統帥
- The competent departments for civil air defense of the major military commands shall administer the work of civil air defense in their areas respectively. 大軍區人民防空主管部門管理本區域的人民防空工作。
- Between senior military commanders on troop movements. 雙方都同意每個星期在高層軍官之間交流關於部隊行動的信息。
- The solution of this problem provides the major guarantee of victory in guerrilla warfare so far as military command is concerned. 解決了這個問題,游擊戰爭的勝利就有了軍事指導上的重要的保證。
- Secretary Shultz, along with General Powell, the national security adviser, argues for cutting a deal in which General Noriega retires from his military command. 國務卿舒爾茨,偕同國家安全顧問鮑威爾將軍,均主張達成協議,讓[巴拿馬總統]諾列加將軍讓出軍隊指揮權。
- The branch of military science dealing with military command and the planning and conduct of a war. 軍事科學中有關軍事指揮,計劃與運作戰爭的分支。
- This is a principle that is well understood by any military commander. 很多軍事將領深深懂得這原則。
- The officers were brawling commands. 軍官們大聲地喊口令。
- For a military commander, winning or losing a battle is a common occurrence. 勝敗乃兵家常事。
- The above operation was made late September at the Fuzhou General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command in Fuzhou. 此例手術於9月末在福州的南京軍區總醫院完成。
- For a military commander winning or losing a battle is acommon occurrence. 勝敗乃兵家常事。