- She is suffering from swollen glands. 她正患腺體腫脹病。
- Saliva is secretion of the salivary glands. 唾液是唾液腺的分泌物。
- Saliva is secreted by glands in the mouth. 唾液是由口腔的唾液腺分泌出來的。
- Inflammation of the thyroid gland. 甲狀腺炎甲狀腺發炎
- The surgical excision of one or both of the adrenal glands. 腎上腺切除術一個或一對腎上腺的外科切除手術
- Inflammation of the prostate gland. 前列腺炎前列腺的炎症
- My sweat glands also respond to emotional stimuli. 我的汗腺對情緒刺激也能產生反應。
- The sweat glands excretes sweat. 汗腺分泌汗液。
- Hormone secretion is controlled by the pituitary gland. 荷爾蒙的分泌是由垂體控制的。
- The study of the glands and hormones of the body and their related disorders. 內分泌學研究身體腺體和激素以及他們之間相關的失調的科學
- He writes not of the heart, but of the glands. 他不是在寫心靈而是在寫器官。
- Licorice supports the adrenal glands. 甘草支持腎上腺功能。
- Tears are secreted by the tear glands. 淚水是由淚腺分泌的。
- Inflammation of the parotid glands, as in mumps. 腮腺炎腮腺腫大,如腮腺炎
- The pancreas is an elongated, whitish gland. 胰臟是一個細長形的白色腺體。
- He writes not of the heart,but of the glands. 他不是在寫心靈而是在寫器官。
- Enlarged lymph glands in the neck, armpit or groin. 放大的頸部淋巴腺、腋下或腹股溝。
- Inflammation of the parotid glands,as in mumps. 腮腺炎腮腺腫大,如腮腺炎
- The center of these glands manufactures adrenaline. 這些腺的中心分泌腎上腺素。
- Deep packing glands eliminate leakage. 深厚的填料密封墊避免泄漏。