But this method can only be used to measure the ferromagnetic materials and is also sensitive to some factors like the ferromagnetic materials' structure. 但磁性應力測量法只能用於鐵磁材料並且對鐵磁材料結構等因素也敏感。
Through making use of the variety frequences to gain the angles.This new method is easier to use for the small nodes and is suitable for the energy efficient WSN. 經實驗證明,該方法簡單易用,對節點要求低,精確度高,是一種適用於無線感測器網路的新的角度測量法。
There was also a very basic measurement method that one would like. 還有一個非常基本的測量方法,有人可能喜歡用。
Method of insertion loss measurement for radio frequency filters. 射頻濾波器插入損耗的測量方法。