- We haven't had time to test blowout preventer this morning. 今天上午我們已經沒有時間試防噴器了。
- How do you change Greenwich mean time to Beijing time? 怎麼計算格林尼治時間對應的北京時間?
- Adolescence is a time to test limits and to experiment with life. 青春期是檢測限度以及嘗試生活的時候。
- It`s really time to test Kaki`s ability, before he is playing in AFC cup. 要時刻警惕做一個支持自己球會,而不踩低其球球會既球迷。
- The mean time to repair (MTTR) is one of the main indexes for system's reliability analysis and risk analysis. 串聯繫統的特點是串聯元件中任一部分(元件)失效都可導致系統失效。
- Also the temperature, current density, stress gradient and alloy elements have strongly effects on MTF (mean time to failure) of electromigration. 溫度、電流密度、應力梯度、合金元素及工作電流模式等也對電遷移壽命有重要影響。
- Reliability of each individual node is enhanced by reducing its MTTR (Mean Time To Repair).Therefore, the availability of the whole system is improved. 通過測試和分析,這種快速的自動恢復機制通過縮短單結點的平均修復時間MTTR而提高了單結點的可用性,從而也提高了整個系統的可用性。
- I need some time to orient my thinking. 我需要一些時間來使我的思想適應。
- Let us show you to see the engine to test. 讓我們指給你看要測試的發動機。
- The individual parameter for evaluating overhauled motor vehicles are: mean time to first failure(MTTF),mean time between failures(MTBF),equivalent failure rate(D),ect. 可靠性單項指標的確定 :平均首次故障里程 (MTTF) ,平均故障間隔里程 (MTBF) ,當量故障率 (D) ;
- At the same time to test on the manual building influence on prediction of bank-line deformation. 同時,對人工建築物對岸線變形預測的影響也進行了試驗分析。
- A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up. 晶體管收音機不需要預熱時間。
- Mean time to data loss is similar to MTBF for disks and tapes, but is likely to differ in RAID arrays, where redundancy can protect against data loss due to component failures. 對於磁碟和磁帶設備來說,平均數據丟失時間的概念與MTBF相似,但是對於RAID陣列來說,平均數據丟失時間可能與MTBF不同,這是因為在RAID中,冗餘性能夠保護組件故障條件下數據丟失情況的發生。
- They use prison as guinea pig to test drug. 他們用罪犯來試驗藥品。
- However, there was significant heterogeneity in these trials, and the mean time to complete resolution was inconsistent across trials, precluding pooled analysis. 不過,這些試驗有顯著的異質性,各試驗中,達到完整緩解的時間也不一致,而無法彙整分析。
- The experiment is designed to test the new drug. 實驗的目的是試驗新葯。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也許要花很長時間才能找到解決這個問題的辦法。
- Sara Ford - What does it mean to test? Sara Ford-對於測試,這意味著什麼?
- Election workers like it because the system allows them to test election procedures, affording them time to iron out flaws. 選站工作者也喜歡先期選舉制,這讓他們可以對投票過程進行測試,有更多的時間彌補缺陷。