- Miss Black took over Mr. Jones on May 1st. 布萊克小姐於5月1日接替了瓊斯先生。
- Miss black takes over Mr. Jones on May 1st. 布萊克小姐於5月1日接替了瓊斯先生。
- The conference starts as from May 1st. 會議剛好在五月一日開幕。
- Miss Black took over from Mr. Jones on May 1st. 布萊克小姐於5月1日接替了瓊斯先生。
- Yet in the local elections on May 1st, Labour recorded its worst result in living memory, including the loss of London's mayoralty to the Conservatives. 但是在5月1日的地方選舉中,工黨遭遇了建黨以來從未有過的慘敗,包括倫敦市長的職位也被保守黨奪走。
- On May 1st there will be a great parade throughout the country. 五月一日全國有盛大遊行。
- Elvis Presley married Priscilla Beaulieu on May 1st. 1967年5月1日,貓王埃爾維斯·普雷斯利和普里西拉·比柳結婚。
- They protested against Jane K Fernandes on May 1st 2006. 他們在2006年5月1日對阿珍鉀費爾南德斯的抗議.
- On the morning of May 1st, the opening ceremony of the Expo Site will be held. 5月1日上午舉行世博園開園儀式。
- On the morning of May 1st,the opening ceremony of the Expo Site will be held. 5月1日上午將舉行世博園開園儀式。
- We tried to make a booking for the week begin May 1st,but the hotel was full. 我們極欲預訂從5月1日開始為期一周在該飯店下榻的客房,沒想到該飯店已經訂滿。
- We tried to make a booking for the week begin May 1st, but the hotel was full. 我們極欲預訂從5月1日開始為期一周在該飯店下榻的客房,沒想到該飯店已經訂滿。
- After the grand opening of the Expo Site on the morning of May 1st,the Expo Garden will be open to the general public. 在5月1日上午舉行隆重的開園儀式后, 世博園正式向公眾開放。
- As from Sunday,May 1st,all fares on the corporation's transport services will be increased by ten pence in the pound. 從5月1日即星期日起,本公司運輸費將每磅提高10便士。
- After the grand opening of the Expo Site on the morning of May 1st, the Expo Garden will be open to the general public. 在5月1日上午舉行隆重的開園儀式后, 世博園正式向公眾開放。
- May 1st is linked with the rights of workers, in particular the struggle for a decent guaranteed working day. 五月一日與工人的權利,尤其是與爭取適當的有保證的工作日的鬥爭相關。
- Voters in each city are heading to the mayoral polls in Paris on March 16th and in London on May 1st. 3月16日和5月1日,巴黎和倫敦的選民將參加各自的市長換屆選舉。
- Special instructions have been give to our dispatch department to execute your order of May 1st and July 1st respectively. 本公司已特別指示貨運部門分別執行貴方5月1日和7月1日的訂單。
- Special instructions have is give to our dispatch department to execute your order of may 1st and july 1st respectively. 本公司已特別指示貨運部門分別執行貴方5月1日和7月1日的訂單。
- Track-laying was started on Yichang Railway Bridge crossing the Yangtze River of Yichang-Wanxian Railway (YiWan Railway) on May 1st. 記者從鐵道部獲悉,5月1日至10日,10天時間鐵路共突擊搶運東北地區糧食234萬噸,其中入關糧食165萬噸,實現了入關糧食運量同比翻番。