- He is a martyr to his rheumatism. 他長期受風濕病折磨。
- The monument was built in honor of the revolutionary martyrs. 這座紀念碑是為了紀念革命烈士而樹立的。
- A simple plaque marks the spot where the martyr died. 有一塊樸素的飾板用以紀念該烈士的殉難處。
- The heroic deeds of the martyrs are on the lips of the broad masses. 烈士們的英勇事迹在廣大群眾中傳頌著。
- He always acts the martyr when he has to do the housework. 他一做家務事就裝成捨生取義的樣子。
- Cleopatra is imprisoned inside her mausoleum. 克利奧帕特拉被囚禁在她的陵墓里。
- That girl whose father is martyr studies very hard. 父親是烈士的那個女孩學習非常刻苦。
- John like to make a martyr of himself. 約翰好為沽名釣譽作出點犧牲。
- Norman Bethune was buried in the Mausoleum of the Martyrs in Shih Chia Chuang, southeast of Beijing. 白求恩大夫埋葬在北京東南的石家莊的烈士陵墓。
- The martyr laid down his life for the country. 先烈為國捐軀。
- A simple plaque mark the spot where the martyr die. 有一塊樸素的飾板用以紀念該烈士的殉難處。
- We are at Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum. 我們現在在中山陵。
- The Da Yu Mausoleum at the foot of Kuaiji Mountain. 位於會稽山腳下的大禹陵。
- Let us stand in silent tribute to the martyrs! 我提議,大家起立,為死難的烈士們默哀!
- The other part is the mausoleum. 還有就是陵寢部分。
- He was posthumously accepted as a martyr. 他被追認為烈士。
- I will build the most beautiful mausoleum for you. 我會為你建造一座最美麗的陵墓。
- It is a memorial to the martyrs. 這是烈士紀念碑。
- This is the mausoleum's stele corridor. 韓佳:這裡就是大禹陵的碑廊。
- Eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs! 革命先烈永垂不朽!