- He Tang Yue Se (Moonlight in Lotus Pool) 荷塘月色
- I can't stand Martin; he's always on the make. 我無法忍受馬丁; 他總是動手動腳,尋求性的冒險。
- Martin took a beating from almost everyone. 馬丁幾乎受到所有人的批評。
- How do you feel about work with Martin? 與Martin合作感覺如何?
- Martin decided that he had no adequate proof. 馬丁斷定他沒有充足的證據。
- Martin guided him to the reception-room. 馬丁將他領到接待室。
- Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. 中國的詩歌在唐代十分盛行。
- Martin Gatt is a gifted bassoonist. 馬丁蓋特是個有才華的巴人松管演奏者。
- He occupied the other section of Martin's house. 他佔用了馬丁房子的另一部分。
- Tang Yue 「唐樂」
- Denise and Martin have recently become parents. 丹尼斯和馬丁最近當爸爸媽媽了。
- I believe that Martin had two motives. 我相信馬丁有著雙重動機。
- Even Uncle Tang lost control of himself for a moment. 有一陣子連唐大叔都控制不住自己了。
- The scholar narrowed his interest to Tang poetry. 這位學者的興趣局限於唐詩。
- The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. 中華人民共和國成立於一九四九年。
- Sweat poured from Martin's face. 馬丁臉上汗如雨下。
- Martin had a printed form thrust at him by an unpleasant official. 一位討厭的官員將一份印刷表格猛地伸到馬丁面前。
- Martin bent over him, agonized to see how swollen his face was. 馬丁俯下身子,看到他的臉這樣腫,非常難過。
- The most famous legend is the Nien beast. 最著名的傳說就是年獸。
- The museum was repaired and restored in 1949. 這個博物館是1949年修復的。