- Incorruptness Thought is an important part in scientific system of Mao Zedong"s Thought. 毛澤東廉政思想是毛澤東思想科學體系的重要組成部分,是對馬列主義公僕理論的繼承和發展。
- Mao Zedong's thought on opening up to the outside is anorganic part of Mao Zedong Thought and is also an imporantpart of the CPC's thought on opening up. 毛澤東對外開放思想是毛澤東思想的有機構成,是中國共產黨對外開放思想的重要組成部分。
- Research on Mao Zedong's Thinking Philosophy eW! 毛澤東思想哲學研究!
- Concretely, the conditions on which Mao Zedong"s thought on subject based are as follows: (1),the moulding of China"s social actual life in modern times; 具體地說,毛澤東主體思想的形成基於以下幾個方面的條件:(一)近現代中國社會現實生活的陶冶;
- Mao Zedong(Mao Tse-tung)departed this life in 1976. 毛澤東逝世於1976年。
- Fourth part, Schwartz studies Mao Zedong"s essential feature and the method. 第四部分,史華慈研究毛澤東的基本特點和方法。
- Mao Zedong Thought is an ideological system. 毛澤東思想是個思想體系。
- Full and exact understanding of Mao Zedong"s Incorruptness Thought is gained. 第一部分:毛澤東廉政思想的形成和發展。
- If this goes on,it will debase Mao Zedong Thought. 這樣搞下去,要損害毛澤東思想。
- Comrade Mao Zedong made that clear a long time ago. 這是毛澤東同志早就說過了的。
- If this goes on, it will debase Mao Zedong Thought. 這樣搞下去,要損害毛澤東思想。
- Wallace: Mao Zedong has been dead for just10 years. 邁:毛澤東逝世已經十年,他對現在的一些事會怎麼看?
- Porcelain with Portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong! 毛主席萬歲!
- Mao Zedong Thought is still our guiding ideology. 現在毛澤東思想還是我們的指導思想。
- Mao Zedong at Shaoshan on June 26th, 1959. 1959年62月6日毛澤東在韶山。
- One 's words reflect one 's think. 言為心聲。
- Revisionist the trap that is Mao Zedong. 修正主義是毛澤東的陷阱。
- YOYO: OK. no problem. let's think together. YOYO:好哈- 沒問題- 那我們一起想想看.
- Mao Zedong at Beidaihe in April 1954. 1954年4月,毛澤東在北戴河。
- Mao Zedong was one of the greatest men of our time. 毛澤東是當代最偉大的人物之一。