- What heritages of MAO Ze - dong left us in his leadership of establishing and constructing New China? 毛澤東在領導新中國的建立和建設中給我們留下哪些遺產?
- The Zhengshi poetry is mainly Ji Kang and the Ruan Ji"s poetry. 第二部分:正始詩歌的遷逝主題。
- No Mao ze dong, no new china. 沒有毛澤東,就沒有新中國。
- Mao Ze- tong' s poetry 毛澤東詩詞
- Dickinson』s poetry, despite its ostensible formal simplicity, is remarkable for its variety, subtlety and richness. 狄金森的詩雖然表面淺顯,但內容多樣化,微妙而又深刻。
- It is a mistake to think of Edgar Allan Poe』 s poetry as being more music than meaning. ( 譯文:認為埃德加?阿倫?波的詩與其說是意味深長不如說是音樂的看法是錯誤的。
- The language of Kou Zhun 『s poetry is flowing, on the whole, elegant, natural, but also Lisu, humorous side . 寇準詩歌的語言總體上是流麗、典雅、自然的,但亦有俚俗、詼諧的一面。
- Tao Yuanming『s poetry both dull and Shuanglang style, language pristine nature, extremely refined. 陶淵明的詩文兼有平淡與爽朗的風格,語言質樸自然,又極為精鍊。
- Mu Cao』s poetry pays a great attention to the weak and the disadvantaged groups living in the underclass. 在那樣的處境中,能夠始終堅守著詩歌的探索創造在詩歌界是絕無僅有的。
- Wu Mi"s poetry endosarc view composed by three parts ,the poetry spirit, thematerial and the medium. 吳宓的詩歌內質觀可以說是由詩歌的精神,材料,媒質三個部分組成。
- Mao Ze - tong 毛澤東
- Some ecofeminist ideas are analyzed through categorization of such themes or motifs as Eros, Activism and Pantheism in Walker"s poetry and essays. 在她看來,地球上的一切事物都是相互聯繫的,生命界和非生命界都處在同一的生態網路中,沒有等級關係,也沒有統治關係。
- Some ecofeminist ideas are analyzed through categorization of such themes or motifs as Eros, Activism and Pantheism in Walker』s poetry and essays. 在她看來,地球上的一切事物都是相互聯繫的,生命界和非生命界都處在同一的生態網路中,沒有等級關係,也沒有統治關係。
- Zhang Kejia's poetry could be considered as the new growing point of Chinese modern poetry and Zang Kejia was its founder and trail-blazer. 這些成就,使臧詩成為中國特色新詩的新起點,臧克家就是中國特色新詩新起點的奠基者和開路人。
- The annotation to Dufu s poetry in Tsing dynasty corresponded to the academic background of recovering the source and governing the world. 清代杜詩註疏契合了考鏡源流、經世致用的學術背景,反映了當時知識分子的精神寄託。
- Third, this thesis studies the relations between Piao Qijia"s poetry and Chinese literature, as well as the relationship between Piao Qijia and Wang Shizhen. 第三、本論文考察了朴齊家的詩歌創作與中國文學的關聯以及朴齊家與中國王士禎的關係。
- Fourth chapter, the Sea bathing activity in Qiantang River, including its cultural explanation, description and reposing in the two Song Dynasty』s poetry. 第四章,錢塘江弄潮活動,其中包括錢塘江弄潮活動的文化闡釋,亦包括兩宋詩詞中錢塘江弄潮活動的描寫以及寄託。
- This paper discusses the effects of the two world wars on Hughes's poetic creation and explores the close link between the contemporary English history and Ted Hughes' s poetry. 本文試論戰爭這一歷史事件對休斯詩歌創作的影響及在休斯詩中的體現,討論休斯詩歌與英國當代社會歷史的緊密聯繫。
- Whether the Factors of Populism has Existed in Mao Ze Dong's Thought 論毛澤東思想中是否具有民粹主義因素