- Khadgar』s mind was awhirl, as was his heart. 卡德加的內心和頭腦依然迷茫。
- Mama's mind was archaic. 媽媽的頭腦落後於形勢了。
- His mind was throbbing with expectation. 他的心因期待而柁柁地跳著。
- Her mind was walled in by fears. 恐懼攫住了她的心。
- His mind was blind by wealth and fame. 他的心智為名利蒙蔽。
- His mind was still teeming with various projects. 他的腦子裡依然塞滿了各式各樣的計劃。
- I/My mind was in a complete haze. 我完全糊塗了。
- My mind was clarified on this issue. 對這個問題我的頭腦變得清楚了。
- His mind was reeling with all that he had seen and heard. 他的所見所聞使他內心大為震動。
- Their taste and style were archaic. 他們的情趣與風格都是古老的。
- In the user』s mind it is a simple command. 這樣的愚蠢問題,在用戶心中這是一個簡單的命令。
- English grammar tasked the boy' s mind. 英文語法使那男孩大傷腦筋。
- I couldn't think; my mind was in a complete turmoil. 我無法思考,我的腦子裡一片混亂。
- Siva?In Zhuo\'s mind,the only god is his own power. )在卓王孫的心中,唯一的神就是他自己的力量。
- In practice the rules were as unrealistic as they were archaic. 實際上這些規章既陳舊又不現實。
- I couldn't sleep: my mind was still whirling from all I had seen and heard. 我睡不著覺,所見所聞仍在頭腦中轉來轉去。
- The bent of his mind was at all times much to metaphysical theology. 他一向對玄奧的神學理論很感興趣(有癖好)。
- "It wasn't quite global, so 25 years ago it was archaic, nonexistent by global standards. 在以前比賽不像現在這樣的全球化,25年前的那一套在現在這樣的全球標準下是行不通的。
- His mind was boiling with mirth and fear and pride. 快意、恐懼、自豪一齊在心頭翻騰。
- At the back of his mind was the vague idea that he had met her before. 他隱隱約約地覺得以前曾經見過她。