- Men ain't apt to get kicked out of good society for being rich. 人是不會因有錢而從上流社會被趕出去的。
- Chen H*, Azuma M, Maeda K, Kajimoto N, Higashino H. 鄭培黎,戴建亞,陳紅*,符衛平,張川,蘇娟,陳紅專。
- AI does not deploy outside of enemy gates. 電腦AI不會在敵人城門外展開。
- Connectionism is the newer form of AI. 相對來講,連接主義在人工智慧領域是個新生觀點。
- But don't you think you ain't going to pay for it. 但是你不要以為你是不會因此遭報應的。
- This is so called Artificial Intelligence (AI). 這就是所謂的人工智慧。
- A friend that ai not in need is a friend indeed. 金錢上沒有困難的朋友才是真朋友。
- The AI will no longer pillage Barbarian Cities. AI不會去摧毀野人城市了。
- What can we learn from Scout reports about the AI? 關於電腦智能我們能從球探報告那得到什麼?
- Why, that ain't a-going to do any good. 哎,那根本就行不通。
- He succeeds Kojiro Maeda who will become Chairman of the Board. 他將接替小次郎誰前田將成為董事會主席。
- Man, these punks ain't directors. 夥計, 這些小流氓不是導演
- Sales of mopeds were booming and Maeda supplied moped components. 對輕便摩托車的銷售旺盛,前田提供的輕便摩托車零部件。
- Ai Have you met my brother? B: Not that I remember. 甲:你見過我兄弟嗎?乙:我不記得曾見過他。
- Not much worth to fight, you ain't. 連一個敢站出來較量的都沒有。
- "It ain't a lie, auntie; it's the truth. 「我沒撒謊,姨媽,我說的全是真的。
- I ain't got no hookups to tryout camps. 我和訓練營沒有關係.
- Ai - How stupid and meaningless! 唉,這又是多無意識啊!
- Ai yo yo, I've been in the streets of Xining Town. 哎喲喲,西寧城街里我去過
- Ai yo yo, I've been to see that young girl. 哎喲喲,尕妹妹跟前我去過