- The other L V systolic param eters,such as E F, F S, S V, C O and C Iw ere also m easured by M m ode echocardiography. 同時測定 E F, F S, S V, C O 及 C I等 M 型超聲心動圖左室收縮功能參數。
- Quazi N. Ahmed,Vrbsky S V.Maintaining Security and Timeliness in Rea l-Time Database Systems .Lucent Technologies 2139 Highway 35 Holmdel,NJ 07733. 牟亞莉,曾浩.;多級安全實時資料庫系統安全性與實時性需求的衝突分析[J]
- Gerven S V,Compernolle D V.Signal separation by symmetric adaptive decorrelation:stability,convergence,and uniqueness[J].IEEE Trans Signal Processing,1995,43(7):1602. 吳景田;何培宇;鄧方.;基於時延估計波束形成預處理的實時語音盲信號分離研究[J]
- Maddox V chart 馬德克斯V字表
- Maddox's V chart 馬德克斯(氏)V字表:檢散光軸用
- Vigilance monitor (Edwards, USA) was employed to monitor perioperative S v O_2, oxygen delivery (DO_2), oxygen consumption (VO_2), oxygen extraction rate (ERO_2) and body temperature, cardiac output (CO), and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). 採用心排儀持續監測圍術期SvO2、氧供(DO2)、氧耗(VO2)、氧攝取率(ERO2)、體溫、心排血量(CO)、平均動脈壓(MAP)的變化,分析肝移植圍術期SvO2與上述各指標的相關性。
- Expression of eN0S, V1P, SP, NPY was founC1 in HUVECboth in vivo and in vitro, which suggested endothe l ial ce11scou1d regu1ate non--innervated b1ood vessel s v iaautocr ining/paracr ini ng mu1 t ipl e vasoact i ve subs tances. 採用兔疫組化、免疫熒光的方法證實在體和離體的臍血管內皮細胞中均表達eNOS、VIP、SP、NPY,提示臍血管內皮細胞能通過巳DRF途徑或旁分泌多種VPS途徑來調控臍血管的張力。
- TWIGG S M,CAO Z,MCLENNAN S V,et al.Renal connective ti-ssue growth factor induction in experimental diabetes is prevented by aminoguanidine[J].Endocrinology,2002,143(12):4907.4915. 劉必成,羅東東,孫子林,等.;結締組織生長因子在糖尿病大鼠腎臟中的表達及其意義[J]
- 5v B U!N S v%sblog.cfan.com.cn:H2t T } s K$W/|!e E 在左欄的「本地計算機策略」下,打開「計算機配置_管理模板_系統」,然後在右欄的「設置」標題下,雙擊「關閉自動播放」;
- Changes of enthalpy and entropy in the quasi - static process as a straight line in the P--V chart P-V圖上直線准靜態過程中的焓變與熵變
- Check out Yahoo』s interactive chart with the EMAs. 讀著可以在雅虎找到摩根的指數移動平均線的圖表。
- G - R - O - S - V - E - N - O - R,Grosvenor. G - R - O - S - V - E - N - O - R,格羅夫納。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英語的複數名詞多以「s」結尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 這件套頭毛衣洗過多次已縮水了。
- O! I s t h t. T i v u a w h f p f t r s e d. 服務員:哦!很抱歉聽您這麼說。這種事很少發生。我們每天從固定的供應商進貨。
- Jolie's Cambodian son, Maddox, is 5 years old. 茱麗的「柬埔寨兒子」名叫馬德克斯,今年5歲;
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的愛好。
- Since that time, Maddox has grown noticeably. 皮特和茱麗彼此表現得並不親密。
- MySQL- d e v e l .ver s i o n - p l a t f o r m. rpm 編寫客戶機程序的開發支持環境(客戶機庫和頭文件)。