- Meet the Korean pop songs racing to the top of the music world! 與音樂世界中正向頂尖進發的韓國流行歌曲相會!
- Now I am a pop artiste and how my life has changed. 現在我是一個藝人,生活也跟著有很大的轉變。
- Luo Shengjiao gave his life to save a Korean child. 羅盛教犧牲自己拯救朝鮮小孩。
- Shinhwa is a group with the longest run so far in Korean pop music. 他們組成」S」,並成為當時最火紅的團體。
- Sandra is also a Korean student. 也是一個韓國學生。
- Tt's not a korean car. Tt's an english car. 它不是韓國車,它是英國車。
- Are you from Japan? Or maybe you are a Korean. 你從日本來嗎?或者可能你是韓國人?
- Is it a Korean car or a Japanese car? 它是一輛韓國車還是一輛日本車?
- But you said it's a Korean goods,I am mazed. 可您一說朝鮮貨,我就傻了。
- Kimchi is a Korean dish made of fermented? 泡菜是韓國菜裡面,一種發酵過的?
- Is it a Korean ro an English car? 這輛車是韓國車還是英國車?
- American pop artist who is best known for his large-scale depictions of comic book panels. 利希滕斯坦,羅伊生於1923美國受歡迎的藝術家,他以描繪大型連環圖畫冊而出名
- My mother is full of feeling, just like a Korean. 我媽媽的感情非常豐富,就像一個韓國人。
- He consults for a Korean company. 他在一家韓國公司當顧問。
- Nara is considered one of the most essential contemporary pop artist of Japan, whose works are exhibited in galleries and exhibitions of an international scale. 奈良美智被視為最重要的日本現代流行藝術家之一,其作品曾在全世界的畫廊和展覽中展出。
- Mrs. Cho: Oh, that's a Korean expression. 仇太太:哦;那是韓語的表達方法.
- It would be a shame if an American pop artist were to travel to Asia and find that our pop music sounds the same as theirs, just with Chinese lyrics. 如果一位美國流行歌手到亞洲巡迴,發現我們的流行樂和他們的聽起來沒什麼兩樣,只是換了中文歌詞,這該是多麼羞愧的一件事!
- Pop artist Romero Britto has created a uniquely styled Bentley Continental GT for his "Come to my World" exhibition in Berlin. 流行藝術家羅密歐布里托已經建立了一個造型獨特的本特利大陸GT他「來我的世界」展覽在柏林.
- Magdalena Regent brand has Yitai jewelry, TIFFANY's authentic, simple silverware, jewelry, and other South Korean pop of thousands of models. 有伊泰蓮娜麗晶品牌飾品、TIFFANY外貿正品、簡約銀飾、韓國流行飾品等共上千種款式。
- Lotte plans to sell South Korean cosmetics and clothes, banking on the appeal of Korean pop culture, which is popular throughout Asia. 樂天計劃經營韓國化妝品和服飾,主要是想藉助於風靡亞洲的韓流來提升其吸引力。