- She had acquired much wisdom during her long life. 她經年累月造就了很高的智慧。
- "Wisdom is with aged men, With long life is understanding. 年老的有智慧、壽高的有知識。
- In the course of (ie During) my long life I've known many changes. 我在漫長的一生中飽經滄桑。
- I raise my glass to the happy pairs, wishing them a long life together. 我為這幸福的一對舉杯,願他們白頭偕老。
- Adopted quick heat and long life ceramic heater. 採用快速升溫及長壽命陶瓷發熱芯。
- Like anybody,I would like to live a long life. 和任何人一樣,我願意生命長久。
- Long live the worldwide socialist revolution! 全世界社會主義革命萬歲!
- Long live our Germany and our beloved Fuehrer! 德國萬歲,敬愛的元首萬歲!
- Long live the democratic coalition government! 民主聯合政府萬歲!
- Long live the great Communist Party of China! 偉大的中國共產黨萬歲!
- Long live the liberation of the Chinese people! 中國人民解放萬歲!
- He has seen a good deal in his long life . 他在漫長的一生中閱歷甚豐。
- Long Live Great Radical Westernization! 偉大的全盤西化萬歲!
- Long live Your Majesty the Empress. 臣等拜見皇后。
- Long live the Communist Party of China. 中國共產黨萬歲。
- Long live the relationship between you and me. 顧客與我們的關係緊密相連。
- Long live the unified ODBC extension instead. 最好使用統一的ODBC擴展代替。
- Ok, Long live friendship.Wish you had a good luck. 行,友誼萬歲!祝你好運。
- When you begin to live your life understanding that what you make of it is up to you,you are able to design it according to your authentic choices and desires. 你一旦明白自己是生活的創造者並開始努力創造生活,你就能夠按照自己真正的選擇與願望去設計人生。
- China long live, the Chinese people are greatest! 中國萬歲,中國人民是最偉大的!