- The bank of bankruptcy is investigated by the court. 那家破產的銀行正被法院調查。
- The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded. 破產的危險已經減少了。
- I had a rude awakening when I found myself on the verge of bankruptcy. 我發現自己已到了破產邊緣時才猛然意識到事情不妙。
- The recession has caused thousands of bankruptcy. 經濟不景氣造成數千萬的破產。
- Citizens are coordinates in a court of law. 公民在法庭上是平等的。
- The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor. 所羅門國王的宮廷以其華麗著稱。
- He dissipated most of his money and was on the brink of bankruptcy. 他揮霍掉了大部分錢財,瀕於破產。
- The company is tottering on the edge of bankruptcy. 該公司瀕臨破產。
- H-evidence is not valued in a court of law. 在法院里道聽途說的證據是不受重視的。
- A few more days, and the company will be on the verge of bankruptcy. 再過幾天,這家公司就將瀕臨破產的邊緣。
- S-of the lnterna-tional Court of Justice. 國際法庭規約。
- The omen of bankruptcy hung over the company. 那家公司出現了破產的預兆。
- The book contains a fascinating portrait of life at the court of Henry VIII. 該書生動地描寫了亨利八世的宮廷生活。
- The prospect of bankruptcy beetled over him. 破產的前景威脅著他。
- London Court of Arbitration 倫敦仲裁法庭
- The company is on the brink of bankruptcy. 該公司已瀕臨於破產的邊緣。
- To summon before a court of law. 傳喚(某人)出庭
- His incompetence has brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy. 他很無能,公司已因而瀕於破產。
- A court of law is not infallible. 法院並非全無錯誤。
- He was on the verge of bankruptcy. 他瀕臨破產。