- The telephone, clock, and radio are handily located by the patients bedside. 電話,鍾和無線電就放在病床邊,非常方便。
- Solidifies your hold on a strategic location by placing a building on it. 藉由放一楝建築物在它上凝固在一個策略位置上的你保持。
- Files were located by using the card indexes. 案卷是使用卡片索引查找的。
- The telephone, clock, and radio were handily located by the patients bedside. 電話,鍾和無線電就放在病床邊,非常方便。
- Find the exact location by using your map and locate the ICA icon. 在你的地圖上尋找有ICA標誌的地方,找到那兒,取回你的裝備。
- We can raise any number to the fourth power by squaring it twice. 我們能把任一數平方兩次就得到它的四次方。
- Moreover, move the Head to the appointed location by the numerate earmark, it can achieve the purpose of Head Revising. 並可根據讀出的標記,移動磁頭到指定的位置,達到磁頭校正的目的。
- Which requires the field names to be surrounded by square brackets. 欄位名稱要求用方括弧括起來。
- ISO Images can also be extracted directly to a file location by many CD-R utilities. 還可以使用一些CD-R實用工具將ISO映像直接提取到某個文件位置。
- Interlocked operations are simple atomic operations performed on a memory location by static methods of the. 類的靜態方法對某個內存位置執行的簡單原子操作。
- To be located by means of coordinates,as on a chart or with data. 標示於圖表上在一張平面圖上或對數據通過坐標進行確定
- Grand Cross - A configuration of intense aspects, formed by four points of a horoscope which occur as pairs of oppositions connected by squares. 一個緊張的相位結構,由星盤中四顆行星組成,表現為一組對沖相位通過四分相聯繫。
- The algorithm in the proposed program can mask the image data and permute pixels location by chaotic sequences. 演算法程序首次採用了圖像數據的混沌掩蓋加密和圖像象素位置的置亂加密相結合的方法,對圖像進行了兩次複合的混沌加密。
- The quorum disk could not be located by the cluster service. 群集服務找不到仲裁磁碟。
- The portals of the great western front are bisected by square pillars. 正西那些大門都由方柱攔成兩半。
- The algorithm in the proposed program can mask the image data and permute pixel's location by chaotic sequences. 演算法程序首次採用了圖像數據的混沌掩蓋加密和圖像象素位置的置亂加密相結合的方法,對圖像進行了兩次複合的混沌加密。
- These anomalies were located by handheld scintillometer. 這些異常是用手提式閃爍輻射儀測出的。
- It is a large building, it's the second largest in Manhattan by square footage. 它是一座宏大的建築物、是曼哈頓這個寸土寸金的商業區里第二大建築。
- The process for predicting fault location by using accoustic abnomality in standard layer includes two stages. 在用標準層聲波時差異常法確定斷層的位置時,首先對標準層聲波時差進行趨勢面分析,然後再分析殘差等值線圖。
- The signal processing can be conveniently linked with the fault location by this method. 該方法還能將測量信號的分析處理和故障的定位很好地結合起來。