- Some of Liu Zongyuan』s poems are plain, implicative like Tao Yuanming』s, some are pure and refined ,and some are direct when expressing emotions. 柳宗元的詩歌中既有甘於退隱與寂寞、風格如陶詩平淡自然的蘊藉之詩,又有孤清峭厲、錘鍊精刻的精工之章,還有哀怨凄愴、胸臆直抒的酸楚之作。
- Pray for wise stewardship of God s creation. 願上帝的創造能得到良好的管理。
- After being demoted to Yongzhou, Liu Zongyuan greatly worshipped Qu Yuan. 柳宗元被貶永州之後,極力追慕屈原。
- Liu Zongyuan's epistolary writing recalled his life experiences with deep emotions,or remarked current affairs, or e... 這是一種悲劇人格,它浸透了一種排解不去的騷怨精神,凄惻動人。
- Also, Liu Zongyuan was skillful in showing humor by using irony, which improved vividness and style of his writing, and revealed its humor and wit. 柳宗元也擅長以正話反說的方式來表現幽默,這樣做的結果不僅增強了文章的形象性和文采,同時也使其行文幽默,有趣味。
- During the time of adversity in Yongzhou County, Liu Zongyuan cherished the memory of Emperor Shun, voicing his ambition by borrowing the name of Shun. 柳宗元在永州身處逆境,懷念舜帝,借聖人之名而言志。
- Liu Zongyuan and Yuan Hongdao are representatives on mountains-and-waters travel and their proses have the different style of literature. 柳宗元和袁宏道作為不同時代山水遊記作家之代表,其遊記散文具有不同的藝術風格。
- All Liu Zongyuan's life, especially his later years, was irrevocably committed to Buddhism (Tiantai Sect and Chan Sect). 摘要柳宗元一生,尤其是他的晚年與佛教特別是天台宗、禪宗結下了不解之緣。
- Tang Dynasty writer Liu Zongyuan have used the words "reads like Qu ileum 9" to describe the poem depicting the Liujiang bending loop flow. 唐代文學家柳宗元曾用"江流曲似九迴腸"的詩句來形容描繪彎曲迴環的柳江流。
- The second part of the paper introduces "the background of Chopin"s creation of piano Etude. 第二部分首先簡要介紹肖邦鋼琴練習曲的創作背景;
- Without enough time to understand one\'s creation, one ceases to understand much of anything. 沒有足夠的時間去了解你的造物,你停止去更多地理解任何事情。
- Liu Zongyuan's epistolary writing are unadorned and earnest, and no drawbacks of parallel prose such as over elaborating and loading with ornate phrases exist in his writings. 在柳宗元這些書牘文中,很難找到曲意逢迎之詞,連無謂的寒暄也盡量省去。柳宗元把自己的痛苦、思索和掙扎全都融入筆端,賦予這些書牘文以獨特的人格魅力。
- Every other year we would perform an oratorio: Handel 』s Messiah, Haydn』s Creation or Mendelssohn』s Elijah. 我們教堂有個很棒的唱詩班。
- I come from Yongzhou of Hunan, which has a picturesque scenery. It is the beautiful place that mentioned in Liu Zongyuan's article. Welcome to visit here! 我來自山清水秀地湖南永州,即柳宗元文中的那個風景秀麗,景色迷人的地方,歡迎大家來玩。
- Qu Yuan, the first excellent poet in Chinese literary history, has great influence on later generations, and Liu Zongyuan of the mid-Tang Dynasty is one of them. 摘要中國文學史上第一位偉大詩人屈原對後世文人影響甚大,中唐時期的柳宗元就是深受其影響的一位。
- EQ is the basic element of people s creation and practice. It gives the greatest impetus to people s enterprising spirit. 從情商在創造性實踐中的作用看,情商是人們創造性實踐的基本要素,情商可以最大限度地激發人的進取精神;
- The recording studio was gone, but Adrien』s creation is still continuing.We believe that there will be more brilliant works which we are longing for. 音樂廳消失了,但阿德里安的創作才華仍在繼續,相信在未來他還有更多的精彩作品值得我們期待。
- A Study of Liu Zongyuan's Feelings in His Late Poetry Creation 試論柳宗元晚期詩創作心態
- In chapter three, it will mainly deal with the understratum heroes in Luling"s creation which is divided into positive and dissimilated heroes. 第三章具體分析路翎作品中的底層英雄群像,其中又分為正面意義的英雄與畸變、異化的「英雄」兩類。
- Peng Jiahuang"s creation, as that of many other writers of his time, was influenced by foreign literature, especially the Russian writer Chekhov. 彭家煌的創作,同他那個時代的許多作家一樣,都受到外國文學的影響,特別是俄國作家契訶夫的影響。