- The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit. 兩艘宇宙飛船將於軌道上(互相)連接。
- We will link up with them at the gate of the zoo. 我們在動物固門口與他們會合。
- How do religion and philosophy link up? 宗教和哲學如何聯繫?
- The two railway lines link up at the station. 兩條鐵路線在這個車站接軌。
- The two spacecraft will link up in orbit. 兩艘宇宙飛船將在軌道上對接。
- Findan I will link up with other border troops. 我會和其他戍邊部隊取得聯繫。
- How do philosophy and religion link up? 哲學和宗教怎麼聯繫起來?
- How do religion and philosophy link up ? 宗教和哲學如何聯繫?
- Where do the two railroads connect [link up]? 兩條鐵路在何處連接?
- We must link up theory with practice. 我們必須把理論和實踐聯繫起來。
- I will link up with other border troops. 我會和其他戍邊部隊取得聯繫。
- Scientists can link up distant countries by radio or telephone. 科學家們可以用無線電或電知把相距遙遠的國家連接起來。
- In coordination with related specifications, policies and procedures to set up operation and maintenance procedures. 按照相關的規範,政策及程序制定設備的操作及維護程序。
- A new road would be needed to link up with the main road. 需要修一條新路與幹線相連。
- Engineers can link up distant countrysides by radio or telephone. 工程師們能用無線電或電話把遙遠的鄉村連接起來。
- European countries have set up Operation Atalanta to co-ordinate their military efforts in the area. 歐洲國家成立了阿特蘭大行動來協調在這一地區的軍事努力。
- With better ability to link up government and public. 具有良好的與政府和公眾溝通的能力;
- The new firm linked up with several big ones. 這家新公司和幾家大公司聯合起來了。
- Engineers can link up distant countries by radio or telephone. 工程師們用無線電或電話可把相距遙遠的國家聯繫在一起。
- The bridge links up the two highways. 大橋把兩條公路銜接起來。