- I would like to apply for Lingnan University Student Classic MasterCard. 本人慾申請嶺南大學學生萬事達普通卡.
- On July 30,Lingnan College was retitled Lingnan University on the commencement of its new ordinance. 《嶺南大學條例》在一九九九年七月三十日生效,嶺南學院亦於同日改名為嶺南大學。
- On July 30, Lingnan College was retitled Lingnan University on the commencement of its new ordinance. 《嶺南大學條例》在一九九九年七月三十日生效,嶺南學院亦於同日改名為嶺南大學。
- Satisfactory completion of a two-year Associate Degree programme at Lingnan University. 於嶺南大學完成兩年副學士學位課程,成績滿意。
- For hotel booking at Lingnan University or Mexan Harbour Hotel, please provide the following information in English. 如要於嶺南大學或盛逸酒店預訂房間,請以英文填寫以下資料。
- LU was founded in 1967 as the Lingnan College,a private college to continue the fine traditions of the former Lingnan University in Guangzhou. 嶺南大學前身為嶺南學院,於一九六七年成立,秉承前廣州嶺南大學的優良傳統。
- The Blackstone Lodge donated by Mrs. T. B. Blackstone, was the residence of Chung Wing Kwong, the first Chinese President of Lingnan University. 由美國黑石夫人捐建,首任華人校長鍾榮光住宅。
- Professor CUI Geng of Lingnan University also shared his personal experience in Phuket during the recent tsunami disaster in South Asia. 嶺大市場及國際企業系崔耕教授也分享了他在南亞海嘯身處布吉的親身經歷和感受。
- Information and updating of the web site are taken care of by the Police while Lingnan University provides technical support. 該聯絡網資料由警方提供,而技術支援則由嶺南大學資訊科技服務中心負責。
- Lingnan University urged the government to set up a research centre in a local university to conduct compiling and editing work of the gazetteer. 嶺南大學更建議政府於本地一所大學成立一個研究中心,以進行資料收集及編製香港地方志的工作。
- LU was founded in 1967 as the Lingnan College, a private college to continue the fine traditions of the former Lingnan University in Guangzhou. 嶺南大學前身為嶺南學院,於一九六七年成立,秉承前廣州嶺南大學的優良傳統。
- Address: Centre for Humanities Research, Room 102, 1/F B.Y. Lam Building, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong. 地址:香港屯門嶺南大學林炳炎樓1樓102室人文學科研究中心。
- This form should be completed in English in BLOCK letters and returned to the Department of English, Lingnan University, Fu Tei, Tuen Mun marked M.A. by April 24, 2004. 填寫前請細閱指引,並以黑色筆及英文正楷填寫。填妥后,請於二零零四年四月二十四日前交回新界屯門虎地嶺南大學英文系注:ma。
- With the increasing number of non-local students, Lingnan University will keep organizing similar kinds of cultural activities, creating a multi-culturally friendly campus. 隨海外學生人數不斷增加,嶺南大學將繼續舉辦同類型的文化活動,營造多元文化校園環境。
- The Summer School is also a valuable opportunity for external students to experience the unique culture and atmosphere at Lingnan University, continued Prof. Chen. 陳教授續說:這個暑期課程亦為校外學生提供了一個寶貴的機會,使他們可領會嶺大獨有的文化及校園氣氛。
- It became a publicly funded post-secondary college in 1979 and was upgraded to a degree-awarding institution in 1992. In 1999, Lingnan College was retitled Lingnan University on commencement of its new ordinance. 嶺南原為私立院校,一九七九年轉為政府資助的專上學院,一九九二年升格為可頒授學位的院校,並於一九九九年根據新訂條例改名為嶺南大學。
- It became a publicly funded post-secondary college in 1979 and was upgraded to a degree-awarding institution in 1992. In 1999,Lingnan College was retitled Lingnan University on commencement of its new ordinance. 嶺南原為私立院校,一九七九年轉為政府資助的專上學院,一九九二年升格為可頒授學位的院校,並於一九九九年根據新訂條例改名為嶺南大學。
- Cheque should be crossedand made payable to "Lingnan University"and sent to "English Dept., Lingnan University, Fu Tei, Tuen Mun"together with the duly completed application form. Please write your name/contact no. on the back of your cheque. 郵寄劃線支票到: 「新界屯門虎地嶺南大學英文部收」,抬頭請寫「嶺南大學」,支票背面寫上姓名及聯絡電話;
- Starting from August of this year, Agnes will be an Assistant Professor of the Department of Accountancy in Lingnan University, mainly engaging in teaching and research activities. 由本年八月中旬起,羅慧儀將獲嶺大聘用為會計及財務學系助理教授,擔任教學及研究工作。