- Then I discuss the modernistic value of Lin Yutang"s mean from personality and freedom. 這一章主要從個人性和自由性兩方面討論了林語堂中庸獨特的現代性價值。
- I affirms that Lin Yutang"s aesthetic principle of mean is multiplicate factors and supplement. 第五章從審美的角度切人,確認了林語堂中庸式的審美原則即多元和互補。
- The last chapter makes a conclusion about the new findings, significance and limitation of this study and thoughts on future study of Lin Yutang"s translation. 第五章總結了本文得出的結論,本研究的意義和不足以及對於林語堂今後研究的展望。
- "The doctrine of the mean" is as one of the important composed parts of Lin Ytang"s humanism thought is a very vital aspect of Lin Yutang"s culture thought. 「中庸」作為林語堂人文主義思想的重要組成部分,是林語堂文化思想中十分重要的一個方面。
- Mentally, the eastern and western culture and literature influence Lin Yutang"s "leisure".The culture of Taoism shares many common features with "leisure" in art. 「娓語體」和「幽默」都因其追求自由精神的人文意蘊和輕鬆隨意的形式特點而成為林語堂「個人筆調」的一部分。
- These three principles are adopted in this study to discuss Lin Yutang"s choice of the source texts, his cognitive schema and his blank-leaving translation technique respectively. 本文運用格式塔心理學中的相似律,整體性和閉合律這三條原則分別探討了林語堂對於原文的選擇,他的認知圖式,以及其留白的翻譯技巧。
- At the same it is also a basic attitude which Lin Yutang treat life and art. 同時它也是林語堂對待人生及藝術的一種基本態度。
- For the satirist Lin Yutang this exemplified the Chinese ideals of frugality and industriousness. 幽默大師林語堂以為這段家書,表達了中國人勤勉淳樸、崇尚簡單的生活理想。
- One of Lin Yutang's great contributions to Chinese culture is his probing and construction of humor. 摘要林語堂對幽默的探討與創建是對中國文化的一大貢獻。
- Lin Yutang is a outstanding writer of the history of Chinese morden literature in the 20th cen-tury. 林語堂是20世紀中國現代文學史上的傑出作家。
- Here is a Chinese poem written by famous poet Li Po(701-762), Tang Dynasty;translated by Lin Yutang. 這裡是我國唐朝著名詩人李白的一首詩,由林語堂先生譯。
- Just this day, the 10 year old Lin Yutang left hometown with his brother to study in Amoy. 這一天,時年10歲的林語堂和哥哥一起離開故鄉到廈門去求學。
- As a great writer and translator, Lin Yutang as well as his works have been broadly studied at home in recent years. 作為一個作家和翻譯家,林語堂本人及其作品近年來得到國內的廣泛關注。
- To analyze this, the author made an in-depth research on Lin Yutang's cultural concept and bilingual writing. 為了分析這個要點,作者對林語堂的文化觀和雙語寫作作了深入的研究。
- These white Spanish-style columns support a roof of royal-blue tiles. The Lin Yutang Memorial Library is a finely crafted architectural gem. 白色西班牙圓柱,頂著寶藍色的琉璃瓦,林語堂紀念圖書館小巧精緻。
- For seventy years nobody other than Lin Yutang has depicted the past and future of China in such a leisured, interesting and cheering way. 整整七十年中,仍沒有人比林語堂更從容、有趣、興緻昂然的描繪了中國的過去與未來。
- As two humourous masters in Chinese modern literature,Lu Xun and Lin Yutang have done much to humorous literature creation and study. 魯迅與林語堂作為現代文學史上的兩位幽默大師,對幽默文學的創作和研究都做出了巨大的貢獻。
- Lin Yutang has unique viewpoints of the genre of the original works.He holds that there are genres of outer and inner forms. 關於原作的體裁,林語堂也有獨到的見解,指出有外的體裁,有內的體裁;
- Abstract: Humanism is the basic point for Lin Yutang and Edward W.Said to oppose western cultural hegemony, but their humanism thoughts are different. 摘要: 林語堂與薩義德在反對西方文化霸權時都把立足點選在人文主義上,但是他們的人文主義思想是不同的。
- Lin Yutang's aesthetical views can find full expression in both his translation standards and his selection of the original works as well. 摘要林語堂的審美觀,不僅體現在其翻譯標準上,還體現在他對原作的選擇上;