- Liangcheng Liu ' s Essays 劉亮程散文
- Chapter two: Zhang Yong"s essays . 第二章:張詠的散文創作。
- Bacon』s essays are famous for their brevity, compactness and powerfulness. 培根的散文以簡潔,緊湊,有力度而著名。
- Fourth, further discusses the positive and negative effects of Japannish sentiment on Zhou"s essays. 最後,進一步論述日本情趣對周氏散文的正負面影響。
- Woolf』s essays display their unique characteristics of novelization, including visualization, narrativity and stream of consciousness. 伍爾夫的散文中有獨特的小說化因素:形象化、敘事性、意識流技巧。
- Zeng Gong"s essays about kiosk, dais, building and pavilion not only reflect his literature theory, but also prove his nobleness. 曾鞏的亭台樓閣散文創作實踐不僅與他的經世觀、文道觀、創作觀緊密聯繫,而且是曾鞏高潔品性的見證。
- To choose a more effective researching method and perspective is very important to the analyzing and researching work of the Japannish sentiment and interest displayed in Zhou"s essays. 本文著重從接受主體和創作主體的視角來透視周作人散文世界中的日本情趣。
- She paid a call on Aunt Liu on her way home. 她在回家的路上去看望了劉大嬸。
- Washington ordered Paine』s essay read to his troops before they crossed the Delaware to defeat the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton. 華盛頓下令他的軍隊閱讀潘恩的散文,然後這支軍隊就越過達拉維爾,在特蘭頓戰役中擊敗了和遜人。
- One day she happened to run across Xiao liu. 有一天她碰巧見到小劉了。
- "Xiao Liu!" He cried. But she was gone. 他叫道:"小劉!"但她已經不在了。
- Persistent watch over the belief world of modern life and repeated examination and deconstruction of the nothingness of the life are the deep-seated meaning of Lu Xun s essay. 對現代生命信仰境界的持續冀望,對生存虛無的反覆透視、解構,是魯迅雜文著力建構的深度意義體系。
- Director Liu, in the chair, opened the meeting. 劉廠長主持會議,宣布開會。
- Mr. Liu, I hope you do not mind your meat well- do. 劉先生,我希望你不介意肉烤得很熟。
- Is that Mr. Clark? This is Liu Wen speaking. 是克拉克先生嗎?我是劉文。
- The Imageries of "Roads" and Philosophy of "Going Ahead" in Lu Xun's Essays 魯迅雜文中「路」的意象和「走」的人生哲學
- Presently Xiao Liu rose and left the room to relieve himself. 沒多久,小劉站起身,出去解手了。
- Liu Hulan』s death was weightier than Mount Tai. 劉胡蘭的死比泰山還重。
- 36.Bacon』s essays are famous for their brevity, compactness and powerfulness. 培根的散文以簡潔,緊湊,有力度而著名。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。