- Le Fort Ⅰfracture勒福Ⅰ型骨折, 上頜水平骨折
- Le Fort Ⅱ fracture勒福特Ⅱ型骨折, 單側或雙側上頜骨骨折, 上頜骨體部與面骨分離, 又稱錐形骨折
- Le Fort Ⅲfracture勒福Ⅲ型骨折
- Le FortⅠ fracture勒福Ⅰ型骨折
- 陰道Le Fort手術Le Fort operation on vagina
- Le-FortⅠ型截骨Le-Fort I Osteotomy
- fractureFraet.
- Le Fort Ⅱ osteotomy勒福特Ⅱ型截骨術
- (=fracture) 骨折,折斷frac.
- Colles fracture科勒斯氏骨折
- Bartons fracture巴爾通氏骨折
- 施醫生及其它人並無一般化的憲法權利在Fort Dix基地發表政治演說或散發競選文件。Utional right to make political speeches or distribute leaflets at Fort Dix.
- Bennetts fracture貝奈特氏骨折
- (=avulsion fracture) 撕脫骨折,扭傷骨折av.fx.
- C_2椎弓根螺釘固定治療Hangman fracture的護理Nursing of the Treatment of Hangman Fracture with C_2 Pedicle Screws
- 低骨密度(Bone mineral density,BMD)與低骨礦含量(Bone mineral content,BMC)是骨質疏鬆性骨折(Osteoporotic fracture.OF)兩種主要的可測風險因子。Low bone mineral density (BMD) and low bone mineral content (BMC) are two of the most important measurable risk factors to the osteoporotic fracture (OF).
- 資料來源:應用計算機檢索Medline 1997-01/2005-12期間與骨形態發生蛋白在骨科臨床試驗研究有關的文章,檢索詞「BMP,fracture,bone」,並限定文章語言種類為「English」。DATA SOURCES:A computer-based search was conducted in Medline for articles related to the BMP in orthopedic clinical trials published between January l 997 and December 2005 with the of "BMP,fracture,bone",and the language was limited in English.