- He shifted the suitcase from one hand to the other. 他把手提箱從這隻手換到另一隻手。
- He shifted his suitcase from one hand to the other. 他將手提箱從一隻手換到另一隻手。
- He swapped the suitcase from one hand to the other. 他倒著手拎行李。
- The release of the special editions and the limited time frame tip BMW's hand to the motivation for this unexpected batch of early special editions: pumping up slumping sales. 釋放特刊和有限的時間內提示寶馬的手,這樣做的動機意想不到的一批早期特刊:抽了低迷的銷售。
- The old man went cap in hand to the rich, asking some money. 那位老人卑躬屈膝地去找富人要錢。
- He had put his hand to the plow. 他已著手這項工作。
- He shifted the case from one hand to the other. 他把手提箱從一隻手移到另一隻手。
- He ended up going hat in hand to the neighbours. 他淪落到向鄰居乞討。
- Holding one gloved hand to her cheek, hiding the red print of Lenny』s hand, Angelique says, 「Baby, no .. 安吉麗用戴手套的一隻手扶著臉,遮住上面萊尼的手留下的紅印,說道,「寶貝,別這樣。。。」
- He went cap in hand to the Bossand asked for work. 他畢恭畢敬地走到老闆面前請求得到工作。
- Please lend a helping hand to the needy. 希望各位踴躍支持,為社會作出貢。
- He erased pencil marks form the test paper and handed to the teacher. 他擦去試卷上的鉛筆筆跡然後遞給了老師。
- Neither is it allowed to use one』s hands to grab or even block one』s opponent』s nunchaku. 同樣,使用手去抓或者阻擋對方的雙節棍也是不允許的。
- We've an urgent job on this week, so it's (a case of) all hands to the pump. 我們本周有緊急任務,所以人人都該出把力。
- He was spreading his hands to the fire. 他伸出手(或張開手掌)去烤火。
- The glass slid out of his hand to the floor. 那隻玻璃杯從他的手中滑落到地板上。
- The lady finally gave him her hand to the sailor. 那位女士終於跟那位水手結婚了。
- He raised his hand to the top office cupboard. 他將手舉到櫥頂。
- He reached a hand to the book on the top shelf. 他將手伸向頂層書架上那本書。
- The lady extended her hands to the guest. 那位女士伸出手來和客人握手。