- In Chinese history, many famous scholars, such as Yuanji and Jikang in later Wei Dynasty, Zhou zuoren, Lin yutang, Hu yuzhi, Shen Yanbing in modern time, have predestined relationship with liquor. 摘要中國歷史上許多文人大家都與酒有著不解之緣,上至魏末的阮籍、嵇康等人,下至近現代的周作人、林語堂、胡愈之、沈雁冰等。
- The Politics of the Late Wei Dynasty and Si Mashi's Approach to the Throne 魏末政治與司馬氏的稱帝道路
- Gu Sai Xie is taken seriously as a of period of Northen Wei Dynasty famous agronomist by later generations height. 賈思勰作為北魏時期的一位著名農學家而被後人高度重視。
- When the Northern Wei Dynasty Qinzhou South East Yizhou Wudu County. 北魏時為南秦州,東益州武都郡。
- The Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) set up Shanshan and Yanqi garrison commands to strengthen its administration of the Western Regions. 北魏王朝設置鄯善鎮、焉耆鎮,加強對西域的治理。
- Later Wei and Maki flew to Bejing to meet with Maki's parents before they all went to Japan. 然後庄偉和麻紀子到北京與麻紀子的父母會合,玩了北京后一道回去日本。
- The dancers' images are varied, ranging from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. 其中樂舞形象自成體系,琳琅滿目,自北魏至元代,均有樂舞形象留存,
- Taiwu Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty was the de facto inaugurator of the hanization of the Northern Wei Dynasty. 太武帝實是北魏漢化的開創者 ,但在這時 ,漢化還剛剛起步 ,充滿了矛盾 ,且歷經曲折。
- In Yuan Shao's Tomb of the Northern Wei Dynasty, there are two figures of ethnic hu people. 北魏元邵墓有兩件"胡人俑"
- The monk, Yu Yao, was ordered by the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) to supervise the historic project. 這個和尚就是北魏文成帝任命的和尚統領昱曜。
- AD 265, Si Mayan of Si Mayi's grandchild builds the Western Jin Dynasty on behalf of Wei Dynasty. 摘要公元265年,司馬彭之孫司馬炎代魏稱帝建立西晉。
- Datong bronzes of a long history and superb technique, as early as the Northern Wei Dynasty, famous. 大同的銅器歷史悠久,工藝精湛,早在北魏時期,就享有盛名。
- In recent years, there are some new materials about Northern Wei Dynasty epitaphs unearthed in Luoyang. 近年來,洛陽出土北魏墓誌又出現了一些新的材料。
- Records show that the temple was built by an eminent monk named Tanluan in the 2nd year of Yanxing (472) of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386--534). 據記載,寺為北魏延興二年(公元472年)由高僧雲鸞大師所建。
- Zhong You, a native of Changshe (present Changge County in Henan Province), was an officer of the Wei Dynasty (220-265). 鍾繇(151-230)字元常,穎川長社(今河南長葛縣東)人,曹魏時期,官至太傅。
- The reason for Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern WEI Dynasty to move the capital to Luoyang was because of the culture advantage of Luoyang. 摘要北魏孝文帝遷都洛陽的根本原因是為了其更具文化優勢。
- In the Northern Wei Dynasty commodity exchange was not popular enough,but 'no exchange between money and commodities' was not a fact. 北魏時期 ,商品交換雖處於低迷狀態 ,但「錢貨無所周流」並非事實。
- Now left the Northern Wei Dynasty Stele, with a very high artistic value and historical value, is a rare art of calligraphy art. 現今留存下來的北魏碑刻,具有極高的歷史價值和藝術價值,是書法藝術不可多得的藝術珍品。
- CUT Hao's thoughts of leadership was characterized by time which greatly influenced the feudalization of Northern Wei Dynasty. 崔浩的治國思想具有鮮明的時代性,對以後的北魏封建化有重要的影響。
- He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了。