- The British image in Lao She s novels has op... 老舍小說中的英國形象為讀者打開了一扇審視世界的窗戶。
- Lao She's fictions contain the distinct spirit of Mohism and chivalry. 摘要老舍小說蘊涵了鮮明的墨俠精神。
- I like reading the works of Lao She. 我喜歡讀老舍的作品。
- I know this is a drama that Lao She wrote. 我知道這是老舍寫的一部戲。
- Lao She was a distinguished wordsmith. 老舍是傑出的語言大師。
- Xiao Li,why is the teahouse named Lao She? 小李,為什麼這家荼館叫「老舍荼館」呢?
- That is where Lao She used to live. 那就是老舍曾經住過的地方。
- We watched the play "Teahouse" which was written by Lao She. 我們看了老舍寫的話劇「茶館」。
- The Lao She Teahouse is decoratedsimply and elegantly. 茶館廳內陳設典雅、清新、古樸。
- As concerned for its artistic novelty, Stephan Zweig』s fictions are typical psychology realism. 就其藝術獨創性而言,茨威格不啻為典型的心理現實主義。
- The Lao She Teahouse is decorated simply and elegantly. 茶館廳內陳設典雅、清新、古樸。
- LAO She's linguistic characteristics in using the oral Pekingese. 3)句法上多姿多彩,透露著獨特的京韻;
- Sociologist, Judaist, psychologist, existentialist, and socialist all have their own interpretations for Kafka"s fictions. 這五種闡釋模式各自盛行的時候雖有先後,但是在很大程度上都是各自發展,並在此基礎上各自借鑒。
- At the Lao She Teahouse in Beijing you don't need to. 作為品茗會友、談天說地的重要場所,茶館在中國文化中有著悠久的歷史。
- Influenced by the social background, family tradition and personal experience, Hawthorne』s fictions convey a strong sense of religious attribute. 受其社會時代、家族歷史,以及成長經歷的影響,霍桑的小說中具有鮮明的宗教性。
- In1930 s, Lao She deeply researched into the modernity of literary theory in his theory works including Teaching Materials on Introduction to Literature. 摘要老舍在1930年代所寫的《文學概論講義》等理論著作中對文學理論現代性進行過深入而獨到的探求。
- Conclusion part will explain and upgrade Kawabata Yasunari "s fiction art and life aesthetics. 結語部分是對川端康成小說藝術和生命美學思想的系統把握和再次提升、闡釋。
- Lao she s wording vividly reproduced the custom of Manzu,Hutong,tea house, courtyard house in old Beijing as well as the old days festivals and traditions. 在老舍筆下,滿族風俗,老北京的衚衕、茶館、四合院,以及往日的節令習俗一一繪聲繪色地再現出來。
- Lao She』s tragic novels hardly have any violent clashes, he presents more the life tragedies, and explains the antagonism brought by separated customs and psychics. 老舍的悲劇往往並沒有激烈的矛盾衝突,更多呈現的是生活的悲劇,進而上升為不同的思想層面、文化心理的分裂帶來的對抗。
- Rachel Airey, children』s fiction buyer at WHSmith, said: 「The readership of Harry Potter is getting older as children grow up with the books. 不過它們對於初讀該系列的小讀者來說仍然具有吸引力。