- The bonus system should also be reinstated. 獎金制度也要恢復。
- Company bonus system is structured to encourage good business decisions as well as a profit. 企業激勵機制旨在鼓勵好的商務決定和獲利。
- One former product group manager, having come up through the first line, traced the source of tension between line and staff to the bonus system. 一位從基層晉陞上來的前任生產部門經理認為,基層和職能部門人員之間的緊張關係源出於獎金制度。
- Suddenly he turned, pulled the unfinished notice about the "bonus system" out of the typewriter and flourished it at his partners. 突然他轉身到那華文打字機上扯下了那張沒有打好的「獎勵規則」來,在手裡揚了一揚,回頭來大聲說道:
- One former product group manager, having come up through the first line , traced the source of tension between line and staff to the bonus system. 一位從基層晉陞上來的前任生產部門經理認為,基層和職能部門人員之間的緊張關係源出於獎金制度。
- Take the company's bonus system as a model, manage thel bonus settlement, meanwhile, automatically calculate bthe bonus exactly and onp time according to company's regulations. 企業的獎金制度為模型,對獎金結算進行管理,同時根據企業的業務制度,按時準確的自動計算獎金業績。
- Take the company's bonus system as a model, manage h the bonus settlement, meanwhile, automatically calculate the bonus exactly and on time according toz company's regulations. 以企業的獎金制度為模型,對獎金結算進行管理,同時根據企業的業務制度,按時準確的自動計算獎金業績。
- Take the company's bonus system aqs a model, manage theonus settlement, meanwhile, automatically calculate the bonus exactly and zn timeoaccording to company's m regulations. 以企業的獎金制度為模型,對獎金結算進行管理,同時根據企業的業務制度,按時準確的自動計算獎金業績。
- Of course, it was Wall Street's bonus system that practically begged the credit traders and bankers to take huge risks in search of those super-outsized profits. 當然,正是華爾街的獎金制度令信貸交易員和銀行家為了尋求巨額利潤而甘冒巨大的風險。
- We strive to create a positive work environment. At Synygy, you will find a bonus system that emphasizes teamwork, a mentor program that supports career advancement, and a dress code that stresses comfort without sacrificing professionalism. 我們努力營造一種積極向上的工作氛圍。Synygy擁有一套注重團隊合作的獎勵體系,支持職業發展的指導計劃,和一套強調舒適但不失職業風度的著裝標準。
- According to county hospitals census, we got to know the bonus system switched many times from 1975 to 1997. By tendency analyzing method, the relationship between bonus system switch and hospital service revenue was analyzed. 在對山東省所有縣級醫院普查的基礎上,了解了從1975年至1997年間獎金制度的變化情況,採用趨勢分析方法,分析了獎金制度轉變與醫院業務收入之間的關係,並進一步採用抽樣調查資料對結果進行了驗證。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 語文教學既是一門科學又是一種藝術。
- Designing Bonus System As A Motivation 激勵獎金制度的釋放與周邊設計
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天練習是學會一門外語的訣竅。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 學好一種語言非下苦功不可。
- Attractive salary and bonus system 承受壓力的能力有吸引力的績效薪酬
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英語和德語屬於同一語系。
- Our language goes current along the seacoast. 我們的語言通用於沿海一帶。
- I am no match for her when it comes to language. 在語言能力方面我根本不是她的對手。
- She has a good grasp of the English language. 她精通英語。