- Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry. 洗衣機把洗衣工作帶出了洗衣房。
- Give me a laundry list and I'll set it to music. 把要洗的衣服單交給我,我就會把它譜成曲子了。
- There is a laundry chute in the house. 房裡有一個運臟衣物的滑道。
- This heap of dirty clothes is for the laundry. 這堆臟衣服是準備要送洗的。
- The prisoner escaped notice by hiding in a laundry truck. 那名犯人躲藏在一輛洗衣店的卡車中而沒有被發覺。
- When does the wash come back from the laundry? 送到洗衣店的衣服什麽時候取回來?
- Folded the laundry; folded the chairs for stacking. 折起洗好的衣服; 折起椅子放在一邊
- My laundry will not dry because of the humidity. 由於濕度關係,我的衣物無法晾乾。
- Please tell me how to send out the laundry. 請告訴我如何把衣服送去洗。
- Send these clothed over to the laundry. 把這些衣服送到洗衣店去洗。
- Please send these to the laundry. 請把這些送到洗衣房。
- The laundry soured before if was ironed. 洗好的衣服不燙熨就會發霉。
- We have adapted our kitchen for use as a laundry. 我們已把廚房改為洗衣房了。
- Who's going to pay six bucks for laundry soap? 誰會花6美元買洗衣粉呢?
- Why don't you help your mother do the laundry? 你為什麼不幫你媽媽洗衣服?
- No laundry is accepted or returned on Sundays. 星期日不營業。
- Send one's (dirty) washing to the laundry. 把要洗的(臟)衣物送到洗衣店去.
- Can you fill out the laundry form, please? 請您填一下洗衣單。
- There's not much laundry this week. 本星期的洗熨衣物不多.
- Mr. Lau is an agreeable man with a kind smile. 劉先生是一個面帶著善良微笑容易相處的人。