- Japanese yen (¥)日元
- 將右側文本框的DataField屬性設置為Surname,此列用於保存僱員的姓。Set the DataField property for the right-hand text box to Surname, which is the column holding the employee's last name.
- KY型節點KY-joints
- Japanese native cloth (刺繡用)日本土布
- 所以人們開始給自己造一個姓(last name)現在在英語里也叫做family name或surname。Sometimes in choosing a last name, a man would think about the kind of work he did.
- Japanese red (含硅氧的氫氧化鐵)日本紅
- 阻燃劑KY-Fwfire-retardant KY-Fw
- Ky-Fan函數Ky - Fan function
- Fan-Ky極大極小不等式Fan-Ky minimax inequality
- Ky-Fan』s極大極小不等式Ky - Fan' s minimax inequality
- 今天是作文的日子,孫小姐進課堂就瞧見黑板上寫著:「Beat down miss S. miss S. is Japanese enemyIt was composition day.When Miss Sun entered the classroom, she saw written on the board [in English]: "Beat down Miss S. Miss S. is Japanese enemy."
- 今天是作文的日子,孫小姐進課堂就瞧見黑板上寫著:「Beat down miss S. miss S. is Japanese enemy.」It was composition day.When Miss Sun entered the classroom, she saw written on the board [in English]: "Beat down Miss S. Miss S. is Japanese enemy."
- KY-2型高密度壓井液助劑的研製與應用Additive KY-2 for High Density Well Control Fluids
- 耐溫抗鹽聚合物KY的合成及性能影響因素Influence factors on Synthesis and Characters of Temperature Tolerance and Salt Resistance Polymer KY as a Flooding Agent
- 流行性乙型腦炎(Epidemic Encephalitis B)是由日本腦炎病毒(Japanese Encephalitis Virus, JEV)引起的中樞神經系統的急性傳染病。Epidemic Encephalitis B, caused by Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV), is a kind of acute contagious disease of central nervous system.
- KY-310牙輪鑽機穩車千斤頂下沉的淺析與處理Analysis and soution of the amount sunk of supporting jack in KY-310 drilling rig
- KY-Fw木材阻燃劑對木材吸濕性和尺寸穩定性的影響Effects of KY-Fw wood fire-retardant on wood hygroscopicity and dimensional stability
- 安徽石馬UHP-Ky榴輝岩中綠輝石變形結構的HREM研究HREM Study of The Deformed Microstructure of Omphacite in UHP Ky eclogite from Shima, Anhui Province
- Nd:KY(WO_4)_2和Nd:KG(WO_4)_2晶體吸收光譜性能分析Absorption spectrum analysis of Nd:KY(WO_4)_2 and Nd:KG(WO_4)_2 crystals