- Kuroda Nagamasa 黑田長政(1568-1623),日本人,官員。
- English actor and an editor of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays(1623). 赫明,約翰1556?-1630英國演員,是莎士比亞戲劇第一對開本的編輯者(1623年)
- Kuroda's best off-speed pitch is his splitter. 黑田最佳的變化球是他的快速指叉球。
- Flemish cartographer who developed the Mercator projection(1568). 麥卡托,格哈杜斯1512-1594佛蘭芝地圖的繪製者,發明了麥卡托投影法(1568年)
- The first attack in 1568, led by Prince Gond, ended in failure. 第一次進攻是在1568年,由貢德王子率領,以失敗告終。
- Kuroda's splitter produces the downward movement with_ spin and not gra oity. 黑田博樹的快速指叉球是因旋轉造成下墜,而非地心引力。
- Kuroda's splitter produces the downward movement with spin and not gravity. 黑田博樹的快速指叉球是因旋轉造成下墜,而非地心引力。
- The first collected edition of Shakespeare's works was published in folio format in 1623. 第一版沙翁全集是1623年以對開本的形式出版的.
- Shipborne a day a day and a day of the copyright to the bokura also slowly in nagamasa Bolshoy.......... 隨著日子一天一天的過去了我們也慢慢的在長大.........
- Italian poet noted for his elaborate style in works such as the epic Adonis(1623). 馬里尼,吉安巴蒂斯塔1569-1625義大利詩人,以他作品中的精美風格而聞名,作品有史詩阿多尼斯(1623年)。
- By 1623 the German Rosicrucian movement was crushed under the weight of the Counter-Reformation led by the Jesuits. 在1623年,德國薔薇十字會運動被由耶穌會士領導的反對改革的勢力所鎮壓。
- Mu Tian Yan, was born three years Tianqi (1623), son Heming and characters very arch. 慕天顏,生於明天啟三年(1623),子鶴鳴,又字拱極。
- The information presented here follows the 1994 UBC guidelines 1613 through 1623 and the 1997 UBC 1615 through 1625. 這裡提出的信息遵循如下指導規範:1994年英屬哥倫比亞大學的規範1613至1623條,和1997年的英屬哥倫比亞大學1615至1625條。
- Wu Zhongliang, Chen Yong, Kim S G. Physical significance of earthquake quanta. Bull Seism Soc Amer, 1996, 86: 1623. 陳颙;張先康;丘學林;等.;陸地人工激發地震波的一種新方法
- Italian poet noted for his elaborate style in works such as the epic Adonis(1623. 馬里尼,吉安巴蒂斯塔1569-1625義大利詩人,以他作品中的精美風格而聞名,作品有史詩阿多尼斯(1623年)
- Mr Kuroda』s warning came as Goldman Sachs lowered its growth forecast for the region to 8.3 per cent from 8.6 percent. 黑田東彥發出上述警告之際,高盛(Goldman sachs)將其對亞洲地區的增長預測從8.;6%25下調至8
- Little is known of his life, although he did enjoy the patronage of the Duke of Lorraine from 1623. 雖然自1623年以後他確實享受著洛林公爵的庇護,但是關於他的生活人們幾乎一無所知。
- Kuroda uses: Oversized Bal Preload for light to medium loading applications, and Double Nut (Pin Method) for medium and higher loading applications. 對於輕度以及中度載荷應用場合,黑田採用增大鋼球直徑的辦法實現預壓載入;對於高負載場合,則採用雙螺母方式。
- If Kuroda wants to throw the slider for a strike, he can reduce the spin and keep the slider on the outside corner. 如果黑田想用滑球製造好球數,他可以減少球的旋轉使球保持在好球帶外側。