- The bile cannaliculi was makeup by rosettes of hepatocytes.Hepatic sinusoid was formed by endothelial cell, fibroblasts, fat-storing cells and Kupffer』s cells. 膽小管由相鄰肝細胞質膜凹陷圍成,而肝血竇則由內皮細胞的胞質、成纖維細胞、貯脂細胞和枯氏細胞參與構成。
- We are occasionally able to smuggle a razor blade into a prisoner 's cell. 我們有時會把一片剃鬚刀片偷偷地送到牢房裡去。
- DOGGETT's cell phone rings. He reaches into his pocket and answers it. (Doggett的手機響了。他伸手進兜接電話。)
- There are approximately 1,000 hybridomas in ATCC's Cell Biology Collection. 下載地址1本軟體需要0個秀幣,什麼是秀幣?
- In moment of fluster, instead of calling her parents, she dialed the new boy’s cell phone. 我不知道,後來我看了一篇文章,我有點明白了,只為了那絲牽挂。
- The results showed that some newborn axon encysted with Schwann"s cell was found besides degenerated nerve fibers in 3 days of crymo-injury. 發現冷凍損傷后3天,除變性神經纖維外,尚有新生軸突,皆由雪旺細胞包裹著。
- One night, the girl caught ill.In moment of fluster, instead of calling her parents, she dialed the new boy』s cell phone. 一天夜裡,女孩身染急症,慌亂之中把想撥給父親的電話撥到了新男友的那裡。
- One night, the girl caught ill.In moment of fluster, instead of calling her parents, she dialled the new boy』s cell phone. 一天夜裡,女孩身染急症,慌亂之中把本想撥給父母的電話撥到了新的男友那裡。
- The new arm will inject new energy to TEDA's cell phone industry and help uplift local industrial structure and capacity. 這一新力量將為天津經濟技術開發區的手機產業注入新的活力,並有助於提高本地工業結構和能力。
- MDA is the end product of the lipid overoxidation.It can reflect the damage level of the oxygen free radical on the tissue』s cell membrane structure relatively well. MDA為脂質過氧化的終產物,可較好地反映氧自由基對組織細胞膜結構的損害程度。
- Keywords Agaricus blazei Murrill;Kupffer s cells;Immune activity; 姬松茸;枯否細胞;免疫活性;
- G1 and S cells comprised 53.46%and 28.24%respectiv ely,and apoptosis rate was 0.76%in the cell cycle of Clone5 by flow cytometer. 曲線顯示Clone5的增殖能力明顯增強; 流式細胞儀檢測發現;Clone5細胞周期中G1期細胞佔53.;46%25;S期細胞佔28
- The factors leading to changes in a sales environment are various.Maybe Energizer left China for adjustments and reflections, and would return to China"s cell market with a completely new look. 市場發展的變數很多,也許勁量退出中國是為了反思和調整,在合適的時候,也許它會以新的姿態重新進入中國電池市場。
- Like embryonic stem cells, iPS cells have the potential to develop into almost any of the body』s cell types and offer new disease insights. 像胚胎幹細胞一樣,可誘導的多能性幹細胞能分化成幾乎所有類型的血液細胞,並為了解疾病提供新的視點。
- Effect: Promotes the regeneration of the skin, s cells, neutralize useless acid and maintain the ph balance. 主要功能:中和皮膚代謝所產生的酸性,迅速恢復平衡狀態,促進細胞再生。
- Somehow the mitochondria inside MBM's cells had gone haywire, becoming too large and too numerous. 不知什麼原因導致MBM細胞中的線粒體失去控制,體積擴大、數量激增。
- After that,normal Schwann"s cell and nerve fibers in c reased gradually and the degenerated substances decreased.Up to 4th week,there s till were little phagocytosed medullary structure. 此後,形態正常的雪旺細胞和神經纖維漸多,被吞噬的變性物質漸少,直至損傷4周后,神經組織恢復到基本正常,但仍可見少量被吞噬的髓樣結構。
- Results: The Schwann s cells migrating from the DRG grew better on the surface of PP than on the surface of naked glass. 神經細胞突起藉助雪旺氏細胞向外延伸,同時雪旺氏細胞和神經元又可藉助這些神經突起向外遷移。
- The study of amsacrine(AMSA)cytotoxicity in synchronized V79 cells showed that G2M cells were most sensitive to AMSA, with S cells intermediate and G1 cells resistant. 結果表明,在同步化的V79細胞中G_2M細胞對安吖啶最敏感,S細胞居中,G_1細胞相對敏感性較低。 同步化的P388細胞對小紅參醌的敏感性順序和安吖啶相類似。
- VER possessed selective enhancement of the cytotoxicity of AMSA,with the most significant enhancement in G_2M and S cells and the least enhancement in G_1 cells. 戊脈安對安吖啶細胞毒的增效作用也存在明顯的時相特異性,其中對 G_2M 及 S 細胞的增效幅度最大,對 G_1細胞的增效作用較弱。 本文對其可能的臨床意義進行了探討。