- zinc sulfate test 硫酸鋅試驗
- It describes the test and operation of zinc sulfate solution purification by antimony trioxide instead of arsenate. 介紹硫酸鋅溶液由砷鹽凈化改為銻鹽凈化的試驗及生產實踐情況。
- In general, spray applications using zinc sulfate have been the most generally used and successful on trees. 一般說來,採用硫酸鋅的葉面噴布最為常見,對樹的效果也較好。
- The preparation of zinc sulfate heptahydrate and copper sulfate pentahydrate from calcined zincblende was investigated. 用經高溫煅燒后的閃鋅礦石與稀硫酸反應製備七水硫酸鋅和五水硫酸銅。
- The thermokinetics of solid liquid reaction of zinc sulfate with histidine are studied using a microcalorimeter. 用微熱量計對硫酸鋅與組氨酸在水中的固液反應進行了熱動力學研究。
- Color, plus a few drops of copper sulfate test solution, namely, the red precipitate of cuprous oxide precipitate. 色,再加硫酸銅試液數滴,即析出氧化亞銅的紅色沉澱。
- Sulfuric acid, zinc salt (1:1);Zinc sulfate, heptahydrate;Zinc vitriol;zinc sulfate (1:1);ai3-03967;bonazen ... 硫酸鋅(1:1);硫酸鋅;鋅礬;皓礬;硫酸鋅,無水香港
- The technological conditions of the preparation of zinc sulfate with smithsonite as raw materials was reported. 本文報道了用菱鋅礦作原料,製備硫酸鋅的工藝條件。
- Zinc sulfate heptahydrate (1:1:7);sulfuric acid, zinc salt (1:1), heptahydrate;white vitriol (heptahydrate) ... 七水合硫酸鋅;硫酸鋅(藥用);硫酸鋅,七水香港
- Objective:To study the effect of treatment for acute herpetic stomatitis by 0 5% zinc sulfate and Co Daqingye Mixture. 目的:探討用0。5%25硫酸鋅與復方大青葉合劑聯合治療急性病毒性口炎的效果。
- A method of synthesis of isoamyl acetate catalyzed by zinc sulfate had been developed. 以硫酸鋅為催化劑催化合成了乙酸異戊酯,確定了酯化優化條件。
- The synthetic conditions of zinc propionate with calcium propionate and zinc sulfate as raw materials were studied. 以丙酸鈣和硫酸鋅為原料,經複分解反應合成了一種新型食品添加劑-丙酸鋅。
- It was shown that the inhibition effect of molybdate increased with the addition of phosphate, but could not increase with the addition of zinc sulfate. 指出鉬酸鹽與正磷酸鹽的復配具有明顯的協同效應而與鋅鹽之間不存在協同關係。
- zinc sulfate turbidity test outfit 硫酸鋅濁度測試器械包
- Zinc sulfate was produced in process of soaking blende with sulfuric acid of high concentration in oxygen and at normal pressure. 研究了在常壓、通氧條件下,用濃硫酸浸取閃鋅礦製取硫酸鋅時酸浸條件對鋅浸取率的影響。
- The acute toxicity of zinc citrate in rabbits and pharmacokinetics were studied by atomic absorption spectrometry and zinc sulfate was used as control. 目的:應用原子吸收光譜法,以硫酸鋅作對照,對枸櫞酸鋅的急性毒性和在家兔體內的藥物動力學進行實驗性研究。
- Most iron can be removed through jarosite process.The content of zinc sulfate can reach more than 98% by evaporating, cooling, crystallization and centrifuging. 用黃鐵礬法除去大部分鐵,通過蒸發、冷卻結晶、離心脫水,可最終使硫酸鋅的含量達98%25以上。
- Potassium sulfate,Zinc sulfate,Manganese sulfate,Copper sulfate,Ferrocyanide sulfate and surface active agent were compounded to obtion effective spraying fertilizer. 並將硫酸鉀與鋅、錳、銅、鐵等微肥與表面活性劑復配,製得高效的葉面肥。
- The technology of counterdictory stibium purification is widely used in the purification progress of refining Zinc metallurgically from the solution of Zinc sulfate. 逆銻凈化工藝在各濕法煉鋅廠硫酸鋅溶液的凈化過程中被廣泛採用。
- nitric acid-magnesium sulfate test 硝酸硫酸鎂試驗:檢白蛋白