- Technically Kosovo is part of Serbia. 理論上說,科索沃是塞爾維亞的一部分。
- On paper Kosovo is still part of Serbia. 從法律上說,科索沃仍然是塞爾維亞的一部分。
- A native or inhabitant of Serbia; a Serb. 塞爾維亞人塞爾維亞的本地人或居民;塞爾維亞人
- In1993 he became Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia. 曾任貝爾格萊德普羅傑斯外貿公司總裁、理;1993年任南聯盟塞爾維亞共和國政府總理。
- The rump of Serbia and Bosnia was placed under direct German rule. 塞爾維亞的後方和波斯尼亞由德國人直接統治。
- He argues that Serbia should continue on the path of European integration only if the EU accepts that Kosovo is part of Serbia. 他主張,塞爾維亞應該繼續申請加入歐共體,但前提是歐洲國家要接受科索沃是塞爾維亞的一部分。
- The prospect of joining the EU is a carrot to dangle in front of Serbia as some compensation for the eventual loss of Kosovo. 加入歐盟的前景就是在塞爾維亞面前晃來晃去的胡蘿蔔,以作為該國萬一失去科索沃的某種補償。
- EU foreign ministers also acknowledge that the only way to prevent the Balkan tinderbox of Serbia, a newly independent Montenegro and a would-be independent Kosovo from exploding again is to hold out to the whole region the prospect of joining their club. 歐盟的外交部長們心知肚明:要想防止塞爾維亞的巴爾幹火藥桶(近獨立的黑山共和國和可能獨立的科索沃)度引燃,唯一的辦法就是給予該地區「入盟」候選國資格。
- Similarly, Russian attempts to draw analogies with NATO』s bombing of Serbia in 1999 and its encouragement of Kosovo』s independence, or with the American-led invasion of Iraq, do not wash. 同樣地,俄羅斯企圖將其行為與1999年北約轟炸塞爾維亞以及鼓勵科索沃獨立,或者以美國為領導的對伊拉克的入侵來做對比。
- Similarly, Russian attempts to draw analogies with NATO's bombing of Serbia in 1999 and its encouragement of Kosovo's independence, or with the American-led invasion of Iraq, do not wash. 俄國人試圖將此次事件同1999年北約轟炸塞爾維亞並且鼓勵科索沃獨立、美國組織對伊拉克的入侵相提並論,但這種說法難以服眾。
- The war broke out in north Kosovo of Yugoslavia, the noise of musketry and trench mortar is continuing around. 留學解答資訊網:南斯拉夫科索沃省北部爆發戰鬥,步槍和迫擊炮聲不絕於耳。
- National Bank of Serbia:11000 Belgrade,7 jula12; Gov.- Borislav Atavickovic. 塞爾維亞人民銀行:貝爾格萊德;總裁-里斯拉夫·塔維茨科維奇。
- After 80-days'bombing of Serbia, NATO still could not launch the ground attack. 轟炸塞爾維亞80天後,北約仍未能發動地面攻勢。
- After 80-days bombing of Serbia, NATO still could not launch the ground attack. 轟炸塞爾維亞80天後,北約仍未能發動地面攻勢。
- After80- days bombing of Serbia, NATO still could not launch the ground attack. 轟炸塞爾維亞80天後,北約仍未能發動地面攻勢。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能夠讓你相信我的誠意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少許憂鬱的氣質。
- Chamber of Commerce of Serbia:11000 Belgrade, Gen. Zdanova13-15; Pres.- Dr Vlajko Stojiljovic. 塞爾維亞商業聯合會:貝爾格萊德;主席-拉伊科·托伊爾約維奇。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗熱雞湯對你有好處。