- Kitagawa Tamiji 北川民次(1894-?),日本人,畫家。
- The scooter dates back to Germany in 1894. 速克達的歷史要追溯到1894年的德國。
- He was buried in 1892. She was in 1894. 他葬於1892年,而她葬於1894年。」
- In 1894 China fought against Japan at sea. 1894年中國和日本發生海戰。
- Private Humphries was born in Warrington in 1894. 列兵漢弗萊斯於1894年出生於沃靈頓。
- In 1906 the Court of Appeal quashed the 1894 verdict. 1906年民事上訴法院撤消了1894年的判決。
- In 1894, Congress established the Bureau of Immigration. 1894年;國會成立移民辦公署.
- Jeff: The first automobile race was held in France in 1894. 傑夫:1894年在法國舉行了第一次汽車比賽。
- Tower Bridge was completed in 1894, after 8 years of construction. 經過了8年的施工,倫敦塔橋終於在1894年竣工。
- Error: Orville Gibson Gibson company established in 1894. 錯誤的:恩奎斯特吉布森於1894年建立吉布森公司。
- Baines was born in 1894 when Grover Cleveland was U. 她於1894年,克利夫蘭當總統的時候出生。
- Tytler. Language, Culture and Reading. London : London Dent , 1894. 王長春.;武昌:華中師範出版社;1990。
- Kitagawa county residents who survived the basic county have been evacuated. 北川縣城的倖存居民基本都已撤離縣城。
- Correct: Orville Gibson in 1894 he made the earliest Gibson. 正確的:恩奎斯特吉布森在1894年製作了最早的吉布森他。
- The first car driven by one of these engines was seen on the roads in 1894. 第一輛由這種內燃機在馬路上驅駛的汽車是1894年見到的。
- In 1894 all Vienna honored the fiftieth anniversary of Strauss as a conductor. 1894年全維也納舉行了施特勞斯擔任樂隊指揮50年慶祝會。
- That was in 1894,20 years before the outbreak of the First World War. 那是在1894年舉行的,距第一次世界大戰爆發20年。
- J.B.Priestley (1894--1984), British novelist, playwright, and essayist. K約翰 - 伯因頓 - 普里斯特利(1894-1984),英國小說家,劇作家和散文家。
- The course was designed by James Braid and the club founded in 1894. 該球場由詹姆斯。勃瑞德設計,俱樂部成立於1894年。
- In such a system, says Mr Kitagawa, local governments act as mere contractors to the centre. 在這樣的一個系統中,北川先生說,地方政府僅不過充當中央的承包商。