- King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936. 英王愛德華八世於1936年退位。
- At present, China's special levy on oil companies earnings Kim, 40 U. 目前,我國對石油企業徵收特別收益金,起征點為每桶40美元。
- Chung turned to Kim Sang Kwon, a veteran who developed the latest model of the Sonata sedan. 鄭求助於開發出最新的索娜塔轎車模型的元老金相權。
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 這支探險隊飽受了加拿大嚴冬的折磨。
- Back in Korea, Chung exudes confidence. 回到韓國鄭流露出充分自信。
- Netizens speculate it could be Christy Chung. 網友們普遍推測其為『鍾麗緹』。」
- On 19th October 1936, Lu Xun died in Shanghai. 民國廿五年十月十九日魯迅死於上海。
- She died in 1936 at the age of 84. 她死於1936年,時年84歲。
- Kim was going to be fine. We were having a baby. 金會一切順利的,我們將有個小嬰兒了。
- Don't harbo(u)r unkind thoughts. 別心懷叵測。
- Ross: Oh-oh, Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger. 哦對了;還有亞歷克.;鮑德溫和金
- The 1936 Berlin Games is remembered for its Nazism. 1936年的奧運會籠罩著納粹的陰霾。
- Ta Chung Sewing Machine Co., Ltd. 大中縫機有限公司。
- He twisted the wire into a U shape. 他把金屬絲拗成了一個U字形。
- The 1936 Olympics were held in Berlin, Germany. 1936年奧運會在德國的柏林舉辦。
- Says Kim:"She completely freaked out. 金說:「她魂兒都嚇掉了。
- Chung Hsing New Village Art and Culture Village. 中興新村藝術文化村。
- He became king of England in 1936. 他在1936年成為英國國王。
- Chung Tai Hong Plastic Material Co. Ltd. 中泰行塑料原料有限公司。