- Several hours later, Kim Il Sung departed from the world. 幾個小時之後,金日成就與世長辭了。
- "Great Leader Kim il Song"'s birth place, Mangyongdae, Pyongyang. 平壤萬景台金日成故居。
- Early on Kim Il Sung learned how to play Mao Tse-tung against Stalin. 從那時起金日成就學會了如何用毛澤東來對付斯大林。
- Of these three a share of forces, revolutionary blood who army flows at most Korea people who Kim Il Sung lead. 在這三股勢力中,金日成領導的朝鮮人民革命軍流的血最多。
- Kim Il Sung was born in 1912, it is subject the first year of an era to be annual. 金日成誕生於1912年,是年即為主體元年。
- Leading art of the plot into the document works, Kim Il Sung is not the first person. 將情節藝術引入記實作品,金日成並不是第一人。
- A gaunt Kim Jong Il made a rare public appearance on the 15th anniversary of the death of Kim Il Sung, his father. 面容憔悴的金正日,在其父親金日成去世15周年紀念日那天,進行了難得的公開露面。
- The public worship of North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Il, and of his late father, Kim Il Sung, is similar to the cult of Mao. 大眾崇拜的北朝鮮領導人金正日和他已故的父親金日成,類似於當時中國崇拜毛澤東。
- Guide say Korea regard subject of Korea the guiding theories of revolutionary cause as subject thought who Kim Il Sung found by people. 導遊說,朝鮮人民將金日成創立的主體思想作為朝鮮主體革命事業的指導思想。
- The war finishes, after Kim Il Sung gets back to Pyongyang, someone proposes building the things of mansion of a government, etc. 戰爭結束,金日成回到平壤后,有人建議在市中心建一個政府大廈之類的東西。
- Benz - is the favorite car of NK leaders.In Kim Il song mausoleum , his SEL 500 is parked forever on some porcelain supports. 賓士是領導人的最愛,在金日誠的紀念堂,他的賓士SEL-500被永遠停放在一些瓷制保護磚上。
- Two of Kim Il Sung tell Jiaohe the stories of sister-in-law, state through basically unanimous, Just slightly comes in and go out on the specific detail. 金日成兩次講述蛟河大嫂的故事,所述經過基本一致,只是在個別細節上略有出入。
- Not even the sudden and destabilising death of Joseph Stalin or the expected demises of Josip Broz Tito, Leonid Brezhnev or Kim Il Sung were hushed up for long. 無論是突如其來,震動朝野的斯大林之死,抑或是意料之中的鐵托、勃列日涅夫、金日成之死,都沒能長時間保密。
- The Korean people have registered great achievements in socialist construction under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il. 「朝鮮人民在金日成主席和金正日總書記的英明領導下在社會主義建設中取得了偉大的成就。」
- Kim Yong Nam said "the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula is the dying wish" of the country's founding president, Kim Il Sung, the father of current leader Kim Jong Il. 星期四,在南韓首爾---北韓的第二號領導人重申,北韓立誓放棄核武器。北韓自從進行原子能試驗后,在與南韓首次高層會談中,尋求恢復援助。
- The birthdays of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung and his mother, Kim Jong Sook, are national holidays in the insular country, as is the current leader's birthday. 目前,朝鮮建國者金日成、其妻金正淑(KimJongSook)(金正日生母)以及現任領袖金正日的生日是國家節日。
- Kim Il Song really loved girls. 金日成很喜歡女生。
- Not since the death of the divine (and now eternally president) Kim Il Sung in 1994, and the accession to power of his son, the current leader, has North Korean behaviour appeared so erratic. 其實並不是神聖的(現在是終身總統)金日成1994年去世,他的兒子、現領導人接班之後,朝鮮行為才這樣怪異的。
- It is such a great event that has brought about a turning point in the development of our Party and revolution as that in December 1956 when Kim Il Sung set the great Chollima Movement in motion. 這是十分重要的事件,它是我黨及我國革命發展的轉折點,就像金日成同志1956年開展千里馬運動那樣。
- In 1938 war was brewing in Europe. 1938年歐洲醞釀著一場戰爭。