- A chief administrative officer, as of a Canadian province. 如加拿大省份的主要行政官員
- Administrative Office of the Department. 行政部辦公室
- An administrative office or district. 行政管理部門或地區
- An administrative officer in charge of a college,faculty,or division in a university. 大學的學院院長;系主任在大學里負責管理一個學院、系或部門的官員。
- Mrs Li started her career as an Administrative Officer of the Hong Kong Government. 畢業后,她加入香港政府為政務主任。
- Before joining the HKMA Mr Lau was an Administrative Officer in the Hong Kong Government. 劉先生加入金管局前擔任香港政府政務主任。
- Most will want approval of peers and administrative officers. 多數人致力於能得到高層人士和政府機關人員的贊助。
- Chen Yidan, is the Chief Administration Officer of the Company. 陳一丹,本公司首席行政官。
- The President is the executive head while the Secretary-General is the chief administrative officer. 主席是行政首腦,秘書長是首席行政官。
- Terence Terry is Chief Administrative Officer of Travelport, formerly Cendant Travel Distribution Services. Terence Terry,Travelport(前身是勝騰旅遊分銷服務集團)首席行政官。
- An administrative officer in charge of a college, faculty, or division in a university. 大學的學院院長;系主任:在大學里負責管理一個學院、系或部門的官員。
- The administrative office of this farm is not far from here. 這個農場的場部離這裡不遠。
- There are no analogues for the disciplined services and the Administrative Officer in Government has a unique part to play. 在私營機構並無類似受紀律約束之人員,而政府之政務主任有其獨特之職務。
- A Government Administrative Officer was charged for allegedly soliciting advantages for providing information to two investment consultants. 廉政公署落案起訴一名政務主任,懷疑他向兩名投資顧問索取利益,作為提供資料的報酬。
- He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜歡對下級職員逞威風。
- Mr Li joined the Hong Kong Government as an Administrative Officer in 1982 and became Principal Assistant Secretary Monetary Affairs in 1990. 李先生於1982年加入香港政府為政務主任,並於1990年出任首席助理金融司。
- Junior Administrator Development Examination 初級管理人員發展考試
- RTHK's staff union has expressed concern over the appointment of an administrative officer, Gracie Foo, as the new deputy head of the broadcaster. 港台節目製作人員工會主席麥麗貞,對於政府委任政務官傅小慧為副廣播處長,表示保留。
- He is studying at a junior middle school. 他正在上初中。
- We called at the administration office of the reservoir. 我們拜訪了水庫管理處。