- Received from Miss Wang Juan the sum of two thousand yuan. 今收到王娟小姐還款人民幣兩千元整。
- The situation closely resembles that of Europe in 1940. 這種形勢與1940年的歐洲十分相似。
- Despite his looks he's said to be something of a Don Juan. 儘管他其貌不揚,但據說是個很得女人歡心的風流蕩子。
- These locomotives ran on Great Western Railway metals until 1940. 這些火車頭在1940年以前一直在大西部鐵路線上運行。
- Don Juan seduced many young girls. 唐璜勾引了許多年輕女子。
- The most famous legend is the Nien beast. 最著名的傳說就是年獸。
- He was scandalled to be a Don Juan. 他被說成個風流浪子。
- The East End of London was badly blitzed in 1940. 倫敦的東區在一九四零年遭到慘烈的閃電攻擊。
- I....I gotta tell tou about a lie. 我.....我想向你坦白我心中的一個謊言。
- But after all I gotta improve my English in Feb!! 但是我在寒假一定要念好英文啊!!
- Juan prefers his Mexican food red-hot. 胡安喜歡他的墨西哥飯萊的辛辣味。
- Pedro Sanchez was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1940. 佩德羅?桑奇斯1940年出生於古巴的哈瓦那,
- In 1940, Einstein became an Americen citizen. 1940年,愛因斯坦成為一名美國公民。
- I saw the figures of Juan Miguel and Elian. 我看到JuanMiguel和Elian的身影了。
- Man, you gotta use my girl, bro. She's so good. 夥計; 你們一定要用我的女人; 老兄.;她太棒了
- The college was established in 1940. 該學院設立於1940年。
- There he laid out the city of San Juan. 他在那裡營建聖胡安城。
- Yeah, well, somebody's gotta step up. 是, 好, 有人要上陣了
- Juan Pablo Montoya: I think it was good. 胡安-帕布魯-蒙托亞:我認為這很好,我有了一個非常快的發車。
- Nazi-Deutschland Armee Marschall (1940). 納粹德國陸軍元帥(1940)。