- The changes to the Jokhang Monastery in Tibet after renovation are there for all to see and judge. 西藏的大昭寺,新舊判然有別。
- The Tang-Tubo Alliance Monument marking the meeting for this purpose between Tang and Tubo erected in 823 still stands in the square in front of the Jokhang Monastery. 大昭寺前的廣場上還矗立著公元823年為雙方會盟建立的「唐蕃會盟碑」。
- Potala Palace, Jokhang Monastery, Norbu Lingka was listed in World Cultural Heritage by the UNESCO. 圍繞大昭寺的老城區也得到了良好的保護和修繕,完整地保存了古城的傳統風貌。
- The Barkor is Lhasa's pilgrimage circuit and a quadrangle of streets that are usually 9 meters wide and surrounds the Jokhang Monastery. 古老而神秘的八廓街長三里,寬三丈,街道環繞著雄偉輝煌的大昭寺。
- The clusters of ancient structures on the Barkor Street with the Jokhang Monastery in the center are the epitome of Tibetan history and the cream of ancient Tibetan architecture. 他說,以大昭寺為中心的八角街古建築群是拉薩歷史的縮影,是藏民族古建築精品之一。
- Jokhang Monastery , Dreprung Monastery and Gandan Monastery constitute the centers of Buddhist architectural group, which are yearned for by the Buddhist faithfuls. 成為佛教信徒們無限嚮往的聖地。
- If you come to Tibet, you must visit Lhasa and if you visit Lhasa, Barkor Street is a must to go.Barkor Street is an ancient circle route which centered Jokhang Monastery. 每天,到了黃昏,跟著拉薩人以及前來拉薩的人群,你就會走進一個順時針的旋渦,這個旋渦的中心就是大昭寺,而它的「軌跡」就是環繞大昭寺的八廓街。
- The Jokhang, also called the Jokhang Temple or the Jokhang Monastery, is a famous Buddhist temple in Lhasa, Tibet.It is probably the most popular tourist attraction in Lhasa. 大昭寺是西藏現存最輝煌的吐蕃時期的建築,也是西藏現存最古老的土木結構建築,開創了藏式平川式的寺廟布局規式。
- During a visit to Lhasa, an aunt dragged her to the Jokhang Monastery, one of Tibetan Buddhism』s holiest sites, and she found herself overwhelmed by the emotional intensity of the faithful. 當時她回到拉薩,她的姑姑拉著她去藏傳佛教最神聖的祖拉康(漢文:大昭寺)朝拜,而她為信徒的虔誠深深感動。
- The Potala Palace, the Jokhang Monastery and some other monasteries and temples have become national or regional key cultural preservation centers. 布達拉宮、大昭寺等一批寺廟列為全國或自治區重點文物保護單位。
- The Potala Palace,the Jokhang Monastery and some other monasteries and temples have become national or regional key cultural preservation centers. 布達拉宮、大昭寺等一批寺廟列為全國或自治區重點文物保護單位。
- The monks live in a large monastery. 這些修道士居住在一個大修道院里。
- In his youth he had stayed in the monastery. 他年輕時在這個修道院待過。
- The women kowtow outside of Jokhang temple. 大昭寺門口磕長頭的女人。
- Lady is not allow into the monastery in shorts. 女士們不允許穿短褲進入修道院。
- The head of a religious community, such as a monastery, an abbey, or a convent. 修道院院長宗教團體,例如修道院、寺院或女修道院的主持人
- They found an icon in the monastery. 他們在修道院中發現了一個聖像。
- The monastery has taken in 30 refugees. 這座修道院已經收容了三十個難民。
- The head of a monastery or a group of monasteries. 修道院名譽院長修道院或一組修道院的院長
- How about White Cloud Monastery? 上白雲觀?