- He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing. 他總是為了這個、那個的大吵大鬧,什麽事都有得吵,有得鬧。
- A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship. 小艙室,廚房船上的小艙室或廚房
- The government front bench or the treasury bench. 政府成員前排席或國務大臣前排席。
- He is a reliable witness or the witness is completely reliable. 他是一個可靠的證人或完全可信任的證人。
- Shut the door or the light will fog the film. 把門關上,不然亮光能使底片發灰。
- She studies biochemistry, or the science of life. 她學生物化學,也就是生命科學。
- Most of them live on the Jino Mountain. 主要就聚居在基諾山上。
- The metal can be made to thread or the shape of any necessaries. 金屬能製成金屬線或任何需要的形狀。
- A symphony orchestra or the group that supports it. 愛樂團體支持它的交響樂團或樂團團體
- An entry or the sum of the entries on this side. 貸記在這一方的記入或記入總數
- The act of engaging or the state of being engaged. 約定,預定訂約的行為或已定約的狀態
- Having no vote; denied a vote or the right to vote. 無投票權的沒有投票的; 被剝奪投票或投票權的
- The choice is yours, English breakfast or the continental one? 由您來選,英式早餐還是大陸式早餐?
- The indigo plant or the blue dye obtained from it. 假藍靛靛藍植物或從這種植物中提取的藍色染料
- A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower. 舌狀花舌狀花或這種花的花冠
- Which is more beautiful, the peony or the camellia? 牡丹花和山茶花,哪一種更美麗?
- Do you take the bus or the train when you go home? 你回家乘公共汽車還是乘火車?
- The act of dazzling or the state of being dazzled. 眩惑使人眼花的行動或使人目眩的狀態
- The act of uniting or the state of being united. 聯合聯合的行動或被聯合的狀態
- An instance or the result of dumping stored data. 轉出,轉儲轉出內存數據的例子或結果