- Jin Dynasty' s Essays 全晉文
- TAO Yuan-ming is a great poet of the Jin Dynasty. 摘要陶淵明是魏晉南北朝時期卓冠一代的大詩人。
- What was the name of Beijing in the Jin Dynasty? 北京在金朝時的名字是什麼?
- Chapter two: Zhang Yong"s essays . 第二章:張詠的散文創作。
- Ge Hong was an influential figure during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. 葛洪是東晉時期非常有影響的人物。
- Wang Xizhi, who lived in the Eastern Jin dynasty, was best known. 生活在東晉的王羲之,是最著名的書法家。
- Bacon』s essays are famous for their brevity, compactness and powerfulness. 培根的散文以簡潔,緊湊,有力度而著名。
- GuoPu was one of the outstanding hermeneutist in Jin Dynasty. 郭璞是晉代傑出的訓詁學家。
- Code of Jin Dynasty poem : Lan, Hung Shun winter petticoats. 典出晉詩:寒裳順蘭?浚?水木湛清華。
- In the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), the Golden Hill Hall was built here. 在金朝,金山殿就建在這裡。
- Guo Xiang is an important representative of Xuanxue in the West Jin Dynasty. 摘要郭象是西晉玄學的重要代表人物。
- Fourth, further discusses the positive and negative effects of Japannish sentiment on Zhou"s essays. 最後,進一步論述日本情趣對周氏散文的正負面影響。
- Ruan Yuan was an important minister and a famous author of Jin Dynasty. 阮元是清代重臣,也是一位著名的圖書縭撰家。
- Woolf』s essays display their unique characteristics of novelization, including visualization, narrativity and stream of consciousness. 伍爾夫的散文中有獨特的小說化因素:形象化、敘事性、意識流技巧。
- Zeng Gong"s essays about kiosk, dais, building and pavilion not only reflect his literature theory, but also prove his nobleness. 曾鞏的亭台樓閣散文創作實踐不僅與他的經世觀、文道觀、創作觀緊密聯繫,而且是曾鞏高潔品性的見證。
- The first part At the Jin Dynasty JinHou bronze of graveyard the summaries of inscription. 第一部分是對晉侯墓地銅器銘文的概述。
- Tao Yuanming, a famous writer of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420), wrote the well-known essay Peach-Blossom Spring. 東晉的文學家陶淵明寫了一片著名的文章叫《桃花源記》。
- In the Jin Dynasty(265-420), there was a man called Zu Ti. He was a farsighted man with great ambitions. 晉代有一個人叫祖逖,他是個有遠大抱負的人。
- To choose a more effective researching method and perspective is very important to the analyzing and researching work of the Japannish sentiment and interest displayed in Zhou"s essays. 本文著重從接受主體和創作主體的視角來透視周作人散文世界中的日本情趣。