- Chain saw files are for sharpening chain saws. 主要是為了削尖鏈鋸。
- Welcome to RPI's chain of clubs in ShangHai! 歡迎來到RPI集團的上海連鎖俱樂部!
- I'd taken on the hooded-sweatshirt, shoot-the-breeze style www.amazon.com of Gasoline Chain Saw s, and maybe even a bit of a swagger. 同時使其相信中醫、熱愛中醫,樹立發展中醫的信心和責任心,要求熟讀和背誦中醫部分經典著作、中藥、方劑等,嚴格規範望、聞、問、切等中醫基本診療操作。
- They』ve been in use in the Albertson』s chain since spring of 2006. 他們一直在使用中的艾伯森連鎖自2006年春天。
- The guy could be a crack-head, a transvestite, a flasher, a junkie, a chain saw murderer, or someone really sick. 他也許性情古怪、易裝僻、而不實、吸毒、電鋸殺人狂,或者其他令人噁心的傢伙。
- In order to improve the solutitity of PPTA, a PPTA copolymer solution was obtained by adding a thind monomer, 3,4』-ODA, in PPTA's chain. 為了改善聚對苯二甲醯對苯二胺(PPTA)的溶解性能,在PPTA的聚合過程中添加第三單體3,4』-二氨基二苯醚(3,4』-ODA),得到了PPTA的共聚體溶液。
- And in Rotterdam, a special chain saw is being tested prior to being used to cut into the Kursk's hull. 而在鹿特丹,人們則正在對一台用於切割「庫爾斯克」號船殼的鏈鋦進行測試。
- A synthetic evaluation of the factors affecting the safety of chain saw felling operation is made using AHP. 本文採用層次分析法(AHP)對影響油鋸伐木作業的各種因素進行綜合評價。
- Leatherface ? pulled the ripcord on his blood-encrusted, gasoline-belching McCulloch Gasoline Chain Saw. 兩個月後,領導宣布重新以過去的模式交付一切項目,我的第一個項目管理培訓體系推動便這樣結束。
- One fall I gutted a bee tree that a neighbor felled.I took a chain saw and ripped into this toppled old tupelo. 有一年秋天,鄰居砍倒了一棵空心樹,我用鏈鋸切入那倒下的老山茱萸。
- On a Swedish chain saw:Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals. 某瑞典制的電鋸(殺人魔會用的那種鏈鋸):請勿試圖用你的雙手或生殖器停止電鋸。
- Enough time has ticked by, though, for www.air-jordans.com the Gasoline Chain Saw batants to get overconfident. 對話轉接客服人員可以將訪客轉接給相關的部門或人員,實現客戶和工作人員的無障礙直接溝通,也可以邀請多個相關部門共同服務顧客,對顧客的問題給出更專業、更權威的答案。
- Thats louder than a lawn mower or a chain saw and equivalent to an ambulance siren. 比割草機或煉鋸的聲音還大,相當於救護車警報器的聲音。
- Monomer?s chain segment ratio is usually characterized by measuring chlorinecontent. But it was found that the solubility of VDF/CTFE copolymer with similarchain segment ratio shows quite different. 通常採用測定氯含量的方法來表徵此共聚物中的單體鏈節比,但也發現其中鏈節比相似的VDF/CTFE共聚物在溶解性上卻表現出較大的差異性。
- When possible, use a chain saw with an anti-kickback device mounted on the guide bar. 若要將停留在知識形態的理論轉化為實際工作能力,還必須進行臨床實踐技能的培訓。
- Use a reduced kickback bar, low kickback chain and chain brake.Hold the Gasoline Chain Saw firmly with both hands. 相反的情況是,厭食症患者、節食者或者運動過多的女人(通常,比一般人體重輕10%25),停止了雌性激素的生產,這些人通常都受到陰道乾燥的折磨。
- Never operate a chain saw while you are tired, medicated, or under the influence of alcohol. 年輕人由於身體、性功能處於旺盛時期,他們的不應期是較為短暫的。
- By the time the very same psychopath ?Leatherface ? pulled the ripcord on his blood-encrusted, gasoline-belching McCulloch Gasoline Chain Saw. 阿曼電信管理局於8月中旬啟動了該國第二張固定弱電運營商執照的招標工作,招標工作預計在年內完成。
- Marketers have the easiest time of this (sort of hard to commandeer the chain saw) but don't do it nearly as often as they should. 市場營銷者面臨很多的機遇(但是某種程度上講很難把握),但是很多人卻卻不能即使把握機遇。
- They grabbed everything they thought they might need (shovels, pickaxes, a chain saw), drove to the trailhead, and hiked in. 華盛頓瀑布山的冰洞倒塌已經有三個小時了,兩個年輕的徒步旅行者仍然被困在裡面。