- West''s solution to prevent bottlenecks and boredom is the duell loop. West先生設計了獨特的彎道來替代狹窄的道路。
- Karla and Karen』s solution was to find a strategic business partner who could help take them to a higher level. 她們的解決辦法是找一個能幫助他們發展的戰略商業夥伴。
- Chiaroscuro is the painter s solution for shaping objects from the darkness, wielding one to conjure the other. 明暗對照法是畫家為了處理物體光影,突出同一物體不同面而採取的解決方法。
- The method for determination of consolidation coefficient of unsaturated clays is found based on Barden s solution. 首先介紹非飽和粘土的團結理論,並通過巴登的解,找到確定非飽和粘土團結係數的確定方法。
- A correlation equation of solubility has been proposed by using Kirkwood-Buff s solution theory and the Flory-Huggins activity coefficient equations. 運用Kirkwood-Buff溶液理論和Flory-Huggins活度係數方程,建立了溶解度關聯方程。
- Or the stain may damage the specimen if left, for example SCHULTZE'S SOLUTION, which dissolves cell walls and causes swelling. 也可能會因為長時間存在而損傷標本,如Schultze溶液可以溶解細胞壁使細胞膨脹至死。
- Apple』s solution is special headphones that take advantage of the phone functionality but still fit into a standard headphone slot. 蘋果的解決方案是特定的耳機能夠充分利用電話的全部功能,但仍然支持使用標準的耳機介面。
- Link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS) which is realized with virtual concatenation technology is one of the key technologies of the next generation o f MSTP's solution in MAN. 鏈路容量調整方案(LCAS)是目前城域網新一代多業務傳送平台(MSTP)解決方案的關鍵技術之一,它是結合虛級聯技術而實現的。
- The authors summarized nursing of patients with ventricle haemorrhage treated with lumber cistern Ringer s Solution perfusion and external ventricle drainage. 總結50例應用腰大池灌注林格液加腦室外引流治療腦室出血病人護理。
- A design and calculation software is developed for stacker/reclaimer. The problems in designing and calculating stacker/recaimer at present and the company CHEC's solution to them are described. 摘要通過對堆取料機設計計算專用軟體系統編製的介紹,系統闡述了目前堆取料機設計計算中存在的問題和CHEC的解決方案。
- Mice in infected group (n=54) were inoculated intrapritoneally with 0.1 ml of Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3 Nancy strain). Control mice (n=8) were inoculated intrapritoneally with 0.1 ml of Hep-2's solution. B組小鼠腹腔接種0.;1ml的CVB3建立VM模型;A組腹腔注射0
- Thereby a new method was put forward, which simulates carbon s solution loss reaction in cohesive zone of blast furnace for three industrial coke samples with the big type reaction stove. 為此,用特製的大型高溫反應爐進行模擬高爐軟融帶碳溶反應條件實驗,得出鹼對焦炭的碳溶反應具有正催化作用;
- Conclusions: We concluded that 500 ml of dextran 40 is more effective than 1000 ml of lactated Ringer』s solution in reducing the incidence of hypotension induced by spinal anesthesia. 的病人,於脊髓麻醉前使用500毫升dexrtan 40比起1,0000毫升lactated Ringer's soloution,更能夠有效降低低血壓發生的機率。
- This paper introduces the application of OPGW's solution to big leap over the Yellow River Project and its focus on the analysis of the project with the design and construction requirements. 介紹了OPGW光纜在解決黃河河溝大跨越工程中的應用實例,重點分析了工程對OPGW光纜及其金具在設計和施工要求。
- When a woman resists a man『s solutions he feels his competence is being questioned.As a result he feels mistrusted, unappreciated, and stops caring. 女人抗拒男人提供的解答時,他會覺得自己的能力受到懷疑,因而感到不受信任、不被感激,然後從此停止照顧。
- Zhuhai Jacobson van den Berg Development Co., Ltd. 珠海雅各臣發展有限公司。
- Irdeto』s solutions are deployed in some of the world』s most demanding security applications, including pay media, telco, mobile and government environments. 愛迪德公司的解決方案已經在世界上一些最需要安全保護的應用領域進行了部署,其中包括付費媒體、電信、移動以及政府等領域。
- Thoughts after Ivar Jacobson's speech. 聽Ivar Jacobson的演講想到的。
- Pangonis, Wilfried Heller and Arvid Jacobson. 題名其餘部分: by William J.
- With this latest addition to MTN』s solutions portfolio, we are confident that customers will find web browsing a much easier and more pleasurable experience. 隨著這一新的補充加入到 MTN 的解決方案當中來,我們有信心讓客戶享受更加輕鬆愉快的網路瀏覽體驗。」