- LEG演算法LBG algorithm
- peluche legère輕薄長毛絨
- marine leg (船用)卸料吊斗
- all-around weld (整周焊縫)環焊縫
- spring leg (獨立懸挂的)彈簧支柱
- 結交為好朋友或親密的夥伴,常與around一起用to associate as friends or chums,often used with around
- "to pull one's leg"(同某人開玩笑)是慣用語。To pull one's leg is an idiom.
- 打點於字母j上to dot the letter j
- 片語「to be led around by the nose」表明人的弱點,The phrase @to be led around by the nose@ shows man's weakness.
- blacksmiths leg vise長腳虎鉗
- j形袋J Shaped Pocket
- 中性音的發音時舌頭位於中間位置的,即不高也不低,如:around中的a音Pronounced with the tongue in a middle position, neither high nor low, as the a in around.
- 灰色系統理論對LEG船貨艙溫度的預測The Temperature Forecast Using Grey System Theory for Cargo Tank of LEG Vessel
- B.J.新聞學士Bachelor of Journalism
- 結為夥伴結交為好朋友或親密的夥伴。常與around一起用To associate as friends or chums. Often used with around.
- (=leg length discrepancy) 腿長差異,腿長不一致LL discrep.
- 單J形坡口single-J groove
- 乞丐,流浪者靠從一地到另一地的乞討和揀拾垃圾為生,常與around連用To live by begging and scavenging from place to place. Often used with around.
- ALV-Javian leucosis virus of subgroup J(ALV-J)
- Scamper(around,away,off,等)僅用於小動物(小狗、老鼠等)和兒童.Scamper(around, away,off,etc)is only used of small animals(puppies,mice,etc)and children.