- It' s your deal, ie your turn to deal the cards. 該你發牌了.
- It' s your turn to wash up today. 今天輪到你洗餐具了。
- It, s your turn to host us, Jack. 傑克,輪到你做東招待我們了。
- It' s your turn to take the dog for a walk don' t try to wriggle out of it. 輪到你把狗帶出去遛一遛了--別想逃避不做.
- My first game in Udine.Battistini got injured.Liedholm informed me that in the dressing room during HT.「It』s your turn: where do you want, right or left? 我的第一場比賽,對烏迪內斯,巴迪斯蒂尼受傷,利德霍爾姆在更衣室告訴我:"這次輪到你了,你想在左邊還是右邊".
- It』s your turn to be on dury. 該你值日了。
- It's your turn to throw the dice. 輪到你擲骰子了。
- It's your turn to sing now, so do your stuff. 現在輪到你唱了,露一手吧。
- It's your turn to serve (to me). 該你發(給我)球了。
- It's your turn to wash up today. 今天輪到你洗餐具了。
- It's your turn to do the dishes tonight. 今晚輪到你洗碗碟。
- It' s your turn to dry up. 現在輪到你擦碗碟了。
- Please wait (until it is/for) your turn to be served. 請等一等就輪到為您服務了。
- It' s your birthday today ? Congratulations ! 今天是你的生日?恭喜,恭喜!
- It's your turn to take the dog for a walk don't try to wriggle out of it. 輪到你把狗帶出去遛一遛了--別想逃避不做。
- It's your turn to take the dog for a walk. 輪到你去遛狗了。
- It's your turn to clear after the meal. 這次飯後該輪到你收拾桌子了。
- An error may not be your fault, but it』s your responsibility. 錯誤可能不是你犯的,但是有你的責任。
- It's your turn now to reply to these charges. 現在該輪到你對這些指控進行答辯了。
- Do not worry. I 'll remind you when it 's your stop . 不用擔心。 您到站時我會提醒您的。