- The weather continued windy and rainy. 天氣仍持續颳風颳風、下雨。
- Windy and rainy, so the best day at home watching television, reading books or sleeping. 颳風下雨,這樣的日子最適合在家看電視、看書或者睡覺。
- It's windy and rainy. 風雨交加。
- It 's windy in spring in Beijing . 北京的春天有風。
- An old friend's visit in a windy and rainy day 風雨故人來
- It's very windy and dusty here in winter. 這裡冬天風沙很大。
- It's not always nice and sunny in miami, sometimes cloudy and rainy. 邁阿密的氣候並非總是晴空麗日,有時也有陰天下雨的時候。
- One spring it was very windy and dusty here. 有一年春天這裡風沙很大。
- It was a beast of a day, bleak, cold, and rainy. 冷風凄雨,天氣惡劣。
- It was a windy and moonless night. 那晚風大,月也黑。
- Is it windy and dusty in spring ? 春天有風沙嗎?
- It's very windy and cold in spring. 聽第二段對話,完成第13至15題。
- They were in Australia. It was windy and dry. 他們在澳大利亞,風很大,並且非常乾燥。
- Sometimes it is windy and dusty in spring here. 這裡的春天有時候有風沙。
- Is it windy and dusty in spring? 春天有風沙嗎?
- It's not always nice and sunny in Miami,sometimes cloudy and rainy. 邁阿密的氣候並非總是晴空麗日,有時也有陰天下雨的時候。
- It's often windy and dry in spring. 列車員:春天經常颳風,很乾燥。
- It's cloudy and rainy today, It has been very cold these days. 今天陰雨天,這幾天都挺冷。
- Be it windy and dusty in spring? 春天有風沙嗎?
- It's very windy and dusty here in spring. 這裡春天風沙很大。