- It's too early for bed. 睡覺還太早。
- It would be too early for me to predict this. 現在規劃對我來說太早了。
- A: It would be too early for me to predict this. 現在規劃對我來說太早了。
- They say it's too early for snow to lie,but outside it's as cold as charity. 雖然,他們說現在雪還積不起來,但是外面確實已經很冷了。
- We were none too early for the train. 我們剛好趕上火車。
- How ear vy is too early for sex? 如何早期是太早性別?
- As for your suggestion about investment,we consider it too early for us to come into this question. 關於你方的投資建議,我們認為考慮這個問題還為時太早。
- Lenin thought 1917 was too early for revolution in Russia. 列寧認為1917年對俄國來說,革命為時尚早。
- We believe it』s too early to begin selling Aud in anticipation of monetary easing as the macro environment will continue to support the Aud. 我們相信,在未來可能出現寬鬆貨幣政策的情況下,此時開始購入澳元為時過早,因為宏觀經濟條件繼續支持澳元。
- Though it『s too early to assess overall wine quality, Wine Spectator『s editors have analyzed the season『s conditions in key regions and given each a preliminary grade. 同時,俄勒岡州和華盛頓州的這段時期就相比於加州比較容易的度過了。回到東部,紐約就成功的解決了雨水和濕度的問題。
- It was too early for despair, at would not come until a rifle actually was levelled at her. 沮喪的時刻還沒有到,只有當步槍真的向她瞄準時才會感到沮喪。
- When I look back, the most important thing last year, or perhaps it』s too early to say, in my whole life, is that I went to work in Nanxun, or shall I say, I met Laurent Dore first. 冷不僅是一種觸覺,也會是一種味覺吧,張開舌頭,瑟瑟麻麻的,冰冷的味道。一瞬間,眼眶裡又積起了淚水,順著臉頰流下來,鹹鹹的。
- It's too early for getting up. 現在起床還太早。
- How much does it cost per week for bed and board? 一周的膳宿費是多少錢?
- It's too early to look for any palpable effects. 現在要看出明顯效果還為時過早。
- It's time for bed(= time to go to sleep). 該是睡覺的時候了。
- This clock says it is time for bed. 這個時鐘說到時間就寢了。
- I don' t like mustard ; it' s too hot. 我不愛吃芥末,這東西太辣了。
- It was neither too early for actors, nor yet too late to have lost one of such charm and fame, she had calculated. 她考慮過,現在對演員來說既不會太早,對她來說也不會太遲使她錯過這麼一個儀錶堂堂、大名鼎鼎的人物。
- Come on, children; it's time for bed. 快,孩子們,該睡覺了。