- He' s quite good, as boys go. 就男孩兒而言,他相當不錯了。
- My general impression was that it was quite good. 大致上我覺得那相當好。
- There are many spelling mistakes ; even so it' s quite a good essay. 這篇文章有許多拼寫錯誤; 然而仍不失之為好文章.
- It 's quite cool here in august . 八月里這兒很涼。
- It ' s quite cold (hot) today. 今天相當冷(熱)。
- As to the plan, I think it is quite good. 至於這個計劃,我認為很不錯的。
- It's quite good, as far as it goes. 就其適用範圍來說,它是很好的。
- For a child's handwriting, it's quite good. 小孩子的字能寫成這樣,總算不錯了。
- It was quite good, but not perfect. 這東西相當好,但不是十全十美。
- It was quite good, but it was awfully long. 這班機很好,但就是時間太長了。
- With respect to the proposal, I think it 's quite irresponsible . 這個提議我認為是很不負責任的。
- It 's quite easy. You sift the lid, and pour some water in it . 這很容易。 你提起蓋子,再在裡面灌些水。
- The composition is quite good except for the spelling. 這篇文章除了拼寫以外,其他都不錯。
- It' s quite beyond me why she married such a heavy smoker. 我實在無法理解為什麼她會嫁給這樣一個煙鬼。
- It"s quite a ta'sk to fig'ure out 10 prob'lems in an hour. 一小時內做出十道題可不是件容易的事。
- I think these patterns are quite good. 我覺得這幾個品種的花色不錯。
- Don' t scoff : he' s quite right. 別譏笑; 他沒錯.
- Mary' s new boy-friend' s quite a dish, isn' t he ? 瑪麗新交的男朋友挺帥的, 是不是?
- It says here that Gu Kaizhi is quite good at painting figures. 這兒寫著顧愷之非常擅長人物繪畫。
- His night vision is not quite good enough. 他夜間的視力達不到標準。