- It was no joke carrying those heavy bags. 搬那些重袋子可不是件輕鬆的事。
- It's no joke when your brakes fail on the motorway. 在快車道上行駛,剎車失靈的後果是非常嚴重的。
- That』s why I』m so goon summer time no joke ? 我不是紈絝子弟,我是為投籃得分而生?
- It's no joke trying to find a job these days. 這些日子想找工作可不是件容易事。
- It is not a joke. VS It is no joke. 這個不是笑話。這可是正經事。
- It's no joke when your team loses. 你的球隊輸了不是什麼可笑的事。
- Being cold and hungry is no joke. 饑寒交迫可不是鬧著玩的。
- There' s no time to linger it' ll soon be dark. 沒時間拖延了--天快黑了.
- It is no joke carrying these heavy bags. 帶走這些沉重的袋子可不是鬧著玩的。
- It 's no longer fashionable to wear long hair . 現在留長發已不再時髦。
- It' s no use citing the Bible to a non-Christian. 對非基督徒引用《聖經》是沒用的。
- It' s no use crying over spilt milk. 事已如此,後悔也沒有用了。
- Trying to find a job these days is no joke, I can tell you. 我實話告訴你,現在想找工作可不易。
- See it"s no skirt but Capri pants. 再說也不是裙子啊,這不七總褲嗎。
- If you''re sure it''s no trou(for you). (when you don''t want some-one to do something difficult to help you)如果不會給您添麻煩的話。
- Life With a Weak Nerved Dog It』s no picnic. 第三節: 與弱神經型犬在一起的生活 這可不是輕鬆野餐。
- When humour is meant to be taken seriously,it's no joke. 如果幽默意味著應該拿它當真之時,那可不是開玩笑的事兒了。
- When humour means to be taken seriously,it's no joke. 如果幽默意味著應該拿它當真之時,那可不是開玩笑的事兒了。
- It would be no joke if you were caught by the master. 碰見老爺不是玩的
- There』s no one to touch him in music. 在音樂方面他無人可比。