- It's long past bedtime. 早過了就寢的時間了。
- NEWSWEEK was complicit in that message a dozen years ago;it』s long past time to realize that it is wrong both empirically and in terms of evolutionary theory. 怒其不爭,NEWSWEEK 在12年前與人同流合污的表明了錯誤立場,現在經過這麼長的時間,我們可以自豪的說現在無論在實踐的立場上,或是從進化論的立場上,我們站對了隊!
- It』s long lane that has no truning . 車到山前必有路。
- It must have slipped his mind that his nephew was now long past 17. 他一定忘了他的侄子早已過了17歲了。
- It's long past your bedtime. 你的就寢時間早過了。
- This puts me in mind of days long past. 這使我想起了好久之前的時日。
- These flowers are long past their prime. 這些花的鼎盛花期早過了。
- She walked long past the end of the trail. 她走到小徑遙遠的盡頭
- A person who lived in times long past. 古代人生活在過去時代的人
- A s long a s it rem a inedun so lved,it ca st a shadow over the rela t ion sbetw een u s. 為了使文章更加符合政論文的語氣和口吻,翻譯技巧也必不可少,它會使文章更貼切。政論文中尤其是外交事務中,語氣一般都比較堅定、正式,我們的翻譯要避免使文章冗長、晦澀、贅述。
- She is long past the age of girlish hero-dreams now. 她已經早過了那種少女夢英雄的年齡了。
- Mother' s longing for her son to come home. 母親非常盼望兒子回家。
- ABB's long history with the TVA dates back to the utility's founding. ABB與TVA悠久的合作歷史可以追溯到發電廠的建立之時。
- To be modest and treat everyone with respect could be Mr. J's long suit. (為人謙遜和尊敬他人,是J先生的優點。)
- The time is long past when clear favorites could be predicted in gymnastics. 在體操比賽中可以明確預測誰能獲勝的日子已經一去不復返了。
- US Air Forces perform stunt(絕技) aerobatic flight in NY's Long Island. 美國空軍在紐約長島舉行特技飛行表演。
- Dario Simic\'s long ball found Paloschi who beat Gennaro Sardo and hit the net. 西米奇長傳,帕羅斯基接球擺脫了後衛薩多但射門打到邊網上。
- Friday』s long leg doji candlestick suggests a potential trend reversal. 上周五標普收出長下影線,意味著可能出現趨勢反轉。
- She's long past retirement age. 她早已過了退休的年齡。
- Is not a young man in the garb of the Loew has a long past on the court. 一點也不,年輕時的勒夫也曾披著一頭長發在球場上呼嘯而過。